#install.packages("seacarb") #install.packages("tidyverse") library(seacarb) library(tidyverse) cal_data_file <- '2018-03-01T09_08_38_pH_calibration_7_4_10_T275.csv' ### Read data in as csv table that handles issue of having more columns in bottom portion of file than in top portion. # Sets file encoding to rm weird characters # Sets number of columns and assigns column names (V#) based on total number of fields detected in the file. cal_data <- read.table(cal_data_file, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding="UTF-8-BOM", sep = ",", col.names = paste0("V",seq_len(max(count.fields(cal_data_file, sep = ',')) - 1)), fill = TRUE) # Set constants pH_buffers <-c(4, 7, 10) #Vector of pH buffers used for calibration. pH3.5_3.0 <-c(3.5, 3.0) #Vector of titration endpoint pH values # Calculate mean voltages (E) for each pH buffer; this data is in column 2 mean_E_pH4.0 <- mean(as.numeric(cal_data[202:231,2])) #Rows 130 - 159 mean_E_pH7.0 <- mean(as.numeric(cal_data[169:198,2])) #Rows 97 - 126 mean_E_pH10.0 <- mean(as.numeric(cal_data[235:264,2])) #Rows 163 - 192 # Determine y intercept and slope of best fit line buffers_E <-c(mean_E_pH4.0, mean_E_pH7.0, mean_E_pH10.0) # Run linear model of voltages and corresponding pH buffer model<-lm(buffers_E ~ pH_buffers) # Use coef of model to extract the best fit slope ((model)[2]) and y intercept ((model)[1]). # Use those values (voltages in mV = E) to determine voltages for pH3.0 & pH3.5 E_pH3.0_3.5 <- coef(model)[2]*pH3.5_3.0+coef(model)[1] # Acid titrant constants #Batch A10 A10_density <- 1.02449 # g/cm^3 A10_concentration <- 0.100215 # mol/kg # CRM constants #Batch 168 CRM168_TA <- 2207.62 # umol/kg CRM168_salinity <- 33.481 # PSU (~g/kg) #Enter voltage cutoffs #Taken from E-pH3.0_3.5 variable above. pH3.0 <- E_pH3.0_3.5[2] pH3.5 <- E_pH3.0_3.5[1] # mols to umols conversion mol_to_umol <- 1000000 # Column headers # V is volumen in mL # t is time in seconds # E is voltage in mV # T is temperature in C # dV/dT is change in voltage divided by change in temperature headers <- c("V", "t", "E", "T", "dV/dT") # Load file data_file <- '2018-03-01T11_09_51_TA_titration_T277.csv' ### Read data in as csv table that handles issue of having more columns in bottom portion of file than in top portion. # Sets file encoding to rm weird characters # Sets number of columns and assigns column names (V#) based on total number of fields detected in the file. data1 <- read.table(data_file, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = "NaN", fileEncoding="UTF-8-BOM", sep = ",", col.names = paste0("V",seq_len(max(count.fields(data_file, sep = ',')))), fill = TRUE) # Pulls total sample number from Row 2, Col. 2, position 11. # Converts from string to number. # Data export must be Raw Data & Total Measured Values. total_samples <- as.numeric(data1[2,2] %>% substr(11,11)) ### Extract sample names # Identifies rows starting with "Scope" in column 1 sample_name_positions <- grep("^Scope", data1$V1) # Subsets the entire data set based on a subset of sample_name_positions. # Uses the length of the sample_name_positions vector divide by two because there are two entries per sample in the dataset. sample_list <- data1[sample_name_positions[1:(length(sample_name_positions)/2)], 2] # Pulls out the actual sample names using the number of characters, minus 1 to get rid of ending ")" in cells, as the stop value for substr. # Stores as a list, which will be useful for assigning data to each sample name later on. sample_names <- substr(sample_list, 14, as.numeric(nchar(sample_list))-1) sample_names_list <- list() for (item in 1:length(sample_names)){ sample_names_list[[item]] <- sample_names[item] } ### Extract samples weights # Pulls the weight field by searching for rows with "Sample size". weights_with_units <- data1[grep("^Sample size", data1$V1), 2] # Determines the string length by converting to characters and counting the characters. # Uses grep to search for rows in column 1 that begin with "Sample size". # Subtracts two from character length to account for "g" at end of entry. weight_char_counts <- weights_with_units %>% nchar() %>% as.numeric() - 2 # Removes the last two characters from the weight field (g) # of each entry in the weights_with_units vector. sample_weights <- as.numeric(substr(weights_with_units,1,weight_char_counts)) ### Parse out necessary info from two-part titration # Identify rows that contain "TitrationEP1" text in column 2 EP1_titrations_rows <- grep("^TitrationEP1", data1$V2) # Identify rows that contain "TitrationEP2" text in column 2 EP2_titrations_rows <- grep("^TitrationEP2", data1$V2) # Create list of endpoint 1 (EP1) titrations # Will be used to store EP1 final volumes EP1_Vf <- list() for (row in 1:length(EP1_titrations_rows)){ EP1_Vf[[row]] <- paste("EP1_Vf_", row, sep = "") } # Pull out final EP1 volumes # Final EP1 volumes are the row before the beginning of each EP2 titration data set; thus, subtract "1" from each EP2 titration row value for (item in 1:length(EP1_titrations_rows)){ EP1_Vf[[item]]<- data1[(EP2_titrations_rows[item]-1), 1] } #Convert EP1_Vf values to numeric. EP1_Vf <- sapply(EP1_Vf, as.numeric) ### Parse out EP2 data. # Beginning of data == EP2 row#+2 # End of data == the next EP1 titration row - 2 # UNLESS # Last entry - which selects to end of file (e.g. tail(data1, (nrow(data1)) for (item in 1:length(EP2_titrations_rows)){ if (item == length(EP2_titrations_rows)){ sample_names_list[[item]]<- tail(data1, (nrow(data1) - (EP2_titrations_rows[item]+1))) } else { sample_names_list[[item]]<- data1[(EP2_titrations_rows[item]+2):(EP1_titrations_rows[item+1]-2),] } } # Convert all data frames in sample_names_list to numeric # Add column names (headers) to each data frame in sample_names_list list for (item in 1:length(sample_names_list)){ sample_names_list[[item]] <- as.data.frame(sapply(sample_names_list[[item]], as.numeric)) colnames(sample_names_list[[item]]) <- headers } # Determine total acid added to each sample # First, start to loop through each data frame in the sample_names_list # For each data frame: # - set acid volume # - calculate the acid added in the final titration # - while loop to: # -- calculate cumulative acid added at each titration point # - determine final cumulative acid amount and assign to last row of data frame for (item in 1:length(sample_names_list)){ total_acid_vol <- EP1_Vf[[item]] final_acid_addition <- sample_names_list[[item]][nrow(sample_names_list[[item]]), "V"] - sample_names_list[[item]][(nrow(sample_names_list[[item]]) - 1), "V"] row <- 1 while (row < nrow(sample_names_list[[item]])){ total_acid_vol <- total_acid_vol + ((sample_names_list[[item]][row+1, "V"] - sample_names_list[[item]][row, "V"])) sample_names_list[[item]][row, "V"] <- total_acid_vol row <- row + 1 } sample_names_list[[item]][nrow(sample_names_list[[item]]), "V"] <- total_acid_vol + final_acid_addition write.csv(sample_names_list[[item]], paste0("20180301_instant_ocean_50mL_check_0", item, ".csv"), row.names=FALSE) } # Sample mass (grams) mass1 <- 50.0175 mass2 <- 49.9981 mass3 <- 50.0184 mass4 <- 50.0030 mass5 <- 50.0588 mass6 <- 49.9962 mass7 <- 50.0035 mass8 <- 50.0152 mass9 <- 50.0271 #Read files data1 <- read_csv(file = "20180301_instant_ocean_50mL_check_01.csv") data2 <- read.csv(file = "20180301_instant_ocean_50mL_check_02.csv") data3 <- read.csv(file = "20180301_instant_ocean_50mL_check_03.csv") data4 <- read.csv(file = "20180301_instant_ocean_50mL_check_04.csv") data5 <- read.csv(file = "20180301_instant_ocean_50mL_check_05.csv") data6 <- read.csv(file = "20180301_instant_ocean_50mL_check_06.csv") data7 <- read.csv(file = "20180301_instant_ocean_50mL_check_07.csv") data8 <- read.csv(file = "20180301_instant_ocean_50mL_check_08.csv") data9 <- read.csv(file = "20180301_instant_ocean_50mL_check_09.csv") # Use dplyr library to filter data for use in seacarb library: # temperature data (T) and convert to vector (.$T) # potential data (T) and convert to vector (.$E) # volume data (V) and convert to vector (.$V) data1_T <- data1 %>%filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(T) %>% .$T data1_E <- data1 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(E) %>% .$E data1_volume <- data1 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(V) %>% .$V data2_T <- data2 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(T) %>% .$T data2_E <- data2 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(E) %>% .$E data2_volume <- data2 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(V) %>% .$V data3_T <- data3 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(T) %>% .$T data3_E <- data3 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(E) %>% .$E data3_volume <- data3 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(V) %>% .$V data4_T <- data4 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(T) %>% .$T data4_E <- data4 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(E) %>% .$E data4_volume <- data4 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(V) %>% .$V data5_T <- data5 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(T) %>% .$T data5_E <- data5 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(E) %>% .$E data5_volume <- data5 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(V) %>% .$V data6_T <- data6 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(T) %>% .$T data6_E <- data6 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(E) %>% .$E data6_volume <- data6 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(V) %>% .$V data7_T <- data7 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(T) %>% .$T data7_E <- data7 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(E) %>% .$E data7_volume <- data7 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(V) %>% .$V data8_T <- data8 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(T) %>% .$T data8_E <- data8 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(E) %>% .$E data8_volume <- data8 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(V) %>% .$V data9_T <- data9 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(T) %>% .$T data9_E <- data9 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(E) %>% .$E data9_volume <- data9 %>% filter(E <= pH3.0 & E >= pH3.5) %>% select(V) %>% .$V #Calculates TA for designated sample TA_01 <- mol_to_umol*(at(C=A10_concentration, d=A10_density, S=35, T=data1_T, weight=mass1, E=data1_E, volume=data1_volume)) TA_02 <- mol_to_umol*(at(C=A10_concentration, d=A10_density, S=35, T=data2_T, weight=mass2, E=data2_E, volume=data2_volume)) TA_03 <- mol_to_umol*(at(C=A10_concentration, d=A10_density, S=35, T=data3_T, weight=mass3, E=data3_E, volume=data3_volume)) TA_04 <- mol_to_umol*(at(C=A10_concentration, d=A10_density, S=35, T=data4_T, weight=mass4, E=data4_E, volume=data4_volume)) TA_05 <- mol_to_umol*(at(C=A10_concentration, d=A10_density, S=35, T=data5_T, weight=mass5, E=data5_E, volume=data5_volume)) TA_06 <- mol_to_umol*(at(C=A10_concentration, d=A10_density, S=35, T=data6_T, weight=mass6, E=data6_E, volume=data6_volume)) TA_07 <- mol_to_umol*(at(C=A10_concentration, d=A10_density, S=35, T=data7_T, weight=mass7, E=data7_E, volume=data7_volume)) TA_08 <- mol_to_umol*(at(C=A10_concentration, d=A10_density, S=35, T=data8_T, weight=mass8, E=data8_E, volume=data8_volume)) TA_09 <- mol_to_umol*(at(C=A10_concentration, d=A10_density, S=35, T=data9_T, weight=mass9, E=data9_E, volume=data9_volume)) TA_values_50mL <- c(TA_01, TA_02, TA_03, TA_04, TA_05, TA_06, TA_07, TA_08, TA_09)