/Athaliana/20180508_geoduck_assemblies_bowtie2_indexes Directory contains Bowtie2 reference genome index files for three P.generosa genome assemblies. Index files were generated using the bowtie2-build command. All commands were run in a Jupyter Notebook. See the notebook entry (linked below) for full info on reference assemblies used as inputs and link to Jupyter Notebook. Files: - *PGA*.bt2 : Bowtie2 index files for Phase Genomics Hi-C assembly. - *PGA*.err : Bowtie2 stderr file for Phase Genomics Hi-C index creation. - *PGA*.out : Bowtie2 stdout file for Phase Genomics Hi-C index creation. - *duck4-p*.bt2 : Bowtie2 index files for Phase Genomics Hi-C assembly. - *duck4-p*.err : Bowtie2 stderr file for Phase Genomics Hi-C index creation. - *duck4-p*.out : Bowtie2 stdout file for Phase Genomics Hi-C index creation. - *sparse*.bt2 : Bowtie2 index files for Phase Genomics Hi-C assembly. - *sparse*.err : Bowtie2 stderr file for Phase Genomics Hi-C index creation. - *sparse*.out : Bowtie2 stdout file for Phase Genomics Hi-C index creation. Notebook entry: http://onsnetwork.org/kubu4/2018/05/09/read-mapping-mapping-illumina-data-to-geoduck-genome-assemblies-with-bowtie2/