owl/Athaliana/20180515_oly_2bRAD_bowtie2_mapping Output directory of Bowtie2 mapping of all Olympia oyster 2bRAD data. Data was mapped to the Olympia oyster genome assembly: pbjelly_sjw_01 Genome assembly info can be found here: https://github.com/RobertsLab/project-olympia.oyster-genomic/wiki/Genome-Assemblies Files: - 20180515_oly_2bRAD_bowtie2_mapping.sam: Output file from bowtie2 alignment. - 20180515_oly_2bRAD_bowtie2_mapping.sh: SLURM script with run details for exeution on Mox node. - slurm-180337.out: SLURM output file. In this instance, it only contains final mapping statistics.