# ContigOrdering file. This file represents a ContigOrdering object, which describes an ordering of contigs within a Proximo cluster. # See ContigOrdering.h for more documentation. # # Important numbers: # N_contigs 42 (Number of contigs in the input cluster) # N_contigs_used 22 (Number of contigs ordered by this ordering) # has_Q_scores 1 (Boolean: has orientation quality scores?) # has_gaps 0 (Boolean: have gap sizes between contigs been estimated?) # # Columns: #contig_ID(local) contig_name contig_rc orientation_Q_score gap_size_after_contig 4 440 0 8899.72 . 13 873 1 1603.22 . 1 339 0 3871.29 . 5 453 0 2569.51 . 12 870 1 952.41 . 10 713 0 1382.63 . 38 520065 1 7417.9 . 35 519391 0 7425.75 . 28 495864 1 104.547 . 22 1301 0 953.095 . 3 401 1 2225.04 . 24 1408 0 1389.66 . 14 882 1 267.269 . 36 519710 0 203.291 . 0 221 0 12689.8 . 9 650 1 386.693 . 39 520167 1 483.328 . 40 520183 1 4076.6 . 37 520034 0 3596.88 . 27 1545 0 356.373 . 26 1485 1 768.897 . 11 786 1 411.457 .