# ContigOrdering file. This file represents a ContigOrdering object, which describes an ordering of contigs within a Proximo cluster. # See ContigOrdering.h for more documentation. # # Important numbers: # N_contigs 51 (Number of contigs in the input cluster) # N_contigs_used 24 (Number of contigs ordered by this ordering) # has_Q_scores 1 (Boolean: has orientation quality scores?) # has_gaps 0 (Boolean: have gap sizes between contigs been estimated?) # # Columns: #contig_ID(local) contig_name contig_rc orientation_Q_score gap_size_after_contig 2 437 0 227.166 . 35 514630 1 193.788 . 9 1127 0 3450.84 . 31 512350 1 62.6772 . 41 518751 1 652.543 . 3 444 0 666.242 . 29 511662 0 357.332 . 28 511466 1 67.6161 . 48 521114 1 48.6931 . 24 507120 1 29.5388 . 8 1072 0 184.337 . 19 1627 1 37.925 . 5 519 0 9.29374 . 49 521455 0 75.5335 . 22 506086 1 212.92 . 18 1502 1 778.955 . 23 507025 0 50.4377 . 21 498455 1 33.094 . 1 337 0 19.94 . 30 512201 0 68.8435 . 34 513579 0 536.312 . 33 513486 1 527.777 . 14 1230 0 208.283 . 32 512745 0 14.3326 .