# ContigOrdering file. This file represents a ContigOrdering object, which describes an ordering of contigs within a Proximo cluster. # See ContigOrdering.h for more documentation. # # Important numbers: # N_contigs 52 (Number of contigs in the input cluster) # N_contigs_used 52 (Number of contigs ordered by this ordering) # has_Q_scores 1 (Boolean: has orientation quality scores?) # has_gaps 0 (Boolean: have gap sizes between contigs been estimated?) # # Columns: #contig_ID(local) contig_name contig_rc orientation_Q_score gap_size_after_contig 46 519364 0 8.01957 . 45 517971 0 25.7534 . 10 785 0 84.5017 . 20 1277 0 709.544 . 29 498374 0 35.1139 . 22 1350 0 212.099 . 2 430 1 318.514 . 16 1061 0 159.88 . 9 727 0 69.008 . 27 1765 1 314.968 . 30 500030 0 15.2972 . 28 491496 1 106.217 . 5 508 1 129.253 . 47 519771 0 14.6434 . 13 980 0 93.0535 . 44 517522 0 1500.8 . 48 520010 1 1223.84 . 7 659 1 271.169 . 12 951 1 44.3698 . 25 1634 1 155.825 . 23 1475 1 296.423 . 24 1493 1 276.612 . 17 1216 0 855.384 . 36 512484 1 35.1903 . 39 514703 0 70.4947 . 51 520466 0 2939.62 . 43 516372 1 3273.42 . 31 505111 0 63.7 . 19 1270 0 979.947 . 15 1008 0 35.5541 . 14 995 1 1275.65 . 1 419 1 34055.6 . 4 452 1 25149.2 . 8 663 1 1443.68 . 0 411 0 605.943 . 35 512458 0 289.209 . 3 442 1 168.023 . 11 902 0 111.745 . 21 1289 1 629.765 . 37 513179 0 91.3739 . 40 514821 0 442.669 . 34 512351 1 203.997 . 38 513644 0 460.447 . 6 652 0 2761.17 . 26 1735 0 1054.12 . 18 1256 1 1010.95 . 32 506485 0 109.147 . 33 508850 0 34.9894 . 42 516038 0 17.9398 . 41 514930 0 40.7853 . 50 520287 1 12282.2 . 49 520251 0 11976.8 .