# ContigOrdering file. This file represents a ContigOrdering object, which describes an ordering of contigs within a Proximo cluster. # See ContigOrdering.h for more documentation. # # Important numbers: # N_contigs 77 (Number of contigs in the input cluster) # N_contigs_used 77 (Number of contigs ordered by this ordering) # has_Q_scores 1 (Boolean: has orientation quality scores?) # has_gaps 0 (Boolean: have gap sizes between contigs been estimated?) # # Columns: #contig_ID(local) contig_name contig_rc orientation_Q_score gap_size_after_contig 61 519485 1 3095.67 . 60 519246 0 2614.24 . 5 495 0 70.5546 . 4 492 1 325.04 . 30 1645 0 441.308 . 38 510286 0 332.746 . 22 1266 1 224.285 . 52 515693 1 144.597 . 24 1334 1 0.188877 . 37 510067 0 2.86736 . 41 511071 0 7.13667 . 65 520163 1 65.1211 . 6 498 1 407.234 . 62 519563 0 73.0414 . 12 730 0 70.6377 . 53 516248 0 668.307 . 54 516338 1 755.472 . 16 1084 1 284.67 . 9 660 0 948.611 . 3 404 1 605.551 . 25 1357 1 2461.83 . 8 554 1 1538.43 . 13 759 1 36.8706 . 23 1316 0 168.525 . 31 1678 0 102.742 . 39 510432 0 38.8405 . 45 512819 1 24.2201 . 48 513138 0 38.1559 . 19 1134 1 68.8848 . 46 512889 1 24.6418 . 47 512995 0 44.5931 . 34 507823 1 66.9367 . 2 403 1 288.35 . 26 1491 0 4.36016 . 28 1551 0 1091.12 . 1 358 1 85.5881 . 58 518986 1 64.2016 . 36 509422 0 238.619 . 43 512073 0 343.649 . 49 514487 0 14.1864 . 27 1550 0 56.0008 . 44 512460 1 224.574 . 17 1102 1 39.0685 . 20 1153 0 198.153 . 69 520306 0 27411.5 . 68 520296 0 26878.1 . 10 678 0 2.67748 . 18 1121 0 106.951 . 33 506520 0 18.5929 . 57 518631 1 6.23344 . 14 792 0 172.25 . 21 1204 0 1306.79 . 42 511613 1 367.864 . 32 505852 0 344.267 . 35 508819 0 32.6277 . 56 517734 0 1200.29 . 15 1006 1 48.1897 . 72 521328 0 145.847 . 40 510878 1 620.767 . 7 525 0 504.676 . 59 519217 0 109.266 . 50 514701 1 97.8331 . 51 515186 1 5.52396 . 29 1556 1 160.39 . 67 520247 0 9758.36 . 66 520166 1 14175.8 . 11 719 1 3413.25 . 0 336 0 5280.58 . 55 517652 1 26.3076 . 70 520970 0 8940.42 . 71 520976 1 9303.77 . 64 519648 0 5849.61 . 63 519628 1 5558.53 . 74 580661 1 4.14052 . 75 580696 0 1.33764 . 73 580660 1 7.22039 . 76 580697 1 0.668555 .