# ContigOrdering file. This file represents a ContigOrdering object, which describes an ordering of contigs within a Proximo cluster. # See ContigOrdering.h for more documentation. # # Important numbers: # N_contigs 49 (Number of contigs in the input cluster) # N_contigs_used 49 (Number of contigs ordered by this ordering) # has_Q_scores 1 (Boolean: has orientation quality scores?) # has_gaps 0 (Boolean: have gap sizes between contigs been estimated?) # # Columns: #contig_ID(local) contig_name contig_rc orientation_Q_score gap_size_after_contig 10 602 0 86.4387 . 29 508610 0 163.003 . 31 513122 1 328.858 . 13 810 1 298.497 . 19 1282 0 448.553 . 14 1036 0 34.3934 . 26 1559 1 135.76 . 27 1609 0 15.3899 . 16 1139 0 163.777 . 33 513484 0 358.29 . 32 513286 1 419.221 . 36 515683 0 143.128 . 3 494 0 1222.15 . 23 1476 1 640.308 . 8 547 0 1897.98 . 7 536 1 840.103 . 15 1048 0 154.297 . 24 1481 0 42.8193 . 39 516840 1 20.8967 . 12 626 1 173.529 . 37 516421 0 341.814 . 40 517911 0 5.25686 . 5 523 1 1607.49 . 28 1737 1 32.452 . 21 1465 1 419.549 . 42 519376 1 4266.25 . 41 519300 0 4693.51 . 44 519856 0 4084.32 . 43 519760 1 4033.48 . 22 1466 0 27.7872 . 38 516769 1 13.0947 . 6 529 0 0.91325 . 4 505 0 14.5129 . 35 515217 1 362.844 . 34 515129 0 497.967 . 30 511376 0 9.99888 . 11 612 0 2480.86 . 17 1148 1 1609.95 . 1 464 1 2077.35 . 47 520626 0 26547.1 . 48 520652 1 29998 . 18 1190 0 527.982 . 25 1499 1 28.1469 . 0 433 1 378.983 . 9 573 0 1228.35 . 20 1328 0 2531.07 . 2 470 1 454.635 . 46 520524 0 20739 . 45 520523 1 24160.8 .