owl/Athaliana/20180910_Cvirginica_oil_fastqc/ Concatenated FastQ files from LSU oil spill Crassostrea virginica MBDseq and FastQC analysis. See Sam's notebook for details and link to Jupyter Notebook. Notebook: http://onsnetwork.org/kubu4/2018/09/10/sequencing-data-analysis-c-virginica-oil-spill-mbdseq-concatenation-fastqc/ FILES: - *fastqc: Output folders from FastQC analysis. - *fastqc_html: FastQC report in HTML format. - *.zip: Zipped version of FastQC output folder. - *.gz: Concatenated FastQ files. - multiqc_data: Output folder from MultiQC analysis. - multiqc_report.html: MultiQC report in HTML format.