owl/Athaliana/20180926_oly_RNAseq_bedgraphs Conversion of Olympia oyster transcriptome BAM (from 20180925) file to bedgraph format. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILES: - 20180926_oly_RNAseq.bedgraph: Olympia oyster transcriptome bedgraph file. Aligned to Olympia oyster genome Olurida_v081. - 20180926_oly_RNAseq_bedgraphs.sh: Mox batch script submission file. This is a text file containing the commands used to create a genome coverage bedgraph file using BEDTools. - slurm-322610.out: The Mox standard output file. - system_path.log: A text file attempting to document various program versions being used by Mox.