#O. lurida Tissue Sample Descriptions All samples are labelled using this system Date: ie. 121713 (12/17/2013) Site: 1,2,3,4 (1=Oyster Bay, 2=Fidalgo Bay, 3=Dabob Bay, 4=Clam Bay) Population: N,H,S (N=Fidalgo Bay, H=Dabob Bay, S=Oyster Bay) Tray or Treatment: 1-4,5-8,9-12,13-16 or T,M,C with 1 or 24 for timepoint (Temperature shock, Mechanical Shock, Control) Animal Number: 1,2,3... On the tube this label will look like this 1217134N5-8 1 or 42215NT1 1 All samples are whole body tissue frozen "dry" (no ethanol or other stuff) unless otherwise noted. ##December 2013 Samples Samples with dates 121713,121813,12913 were collected at 4 months post outplant due to a severe mortality event at Dabob bay. These samples were very small so they are whole body tissue frozen at -20. Samples were collected from the 17th to the 19th then processed in chronological order from the 20th to the 22nd of December. They were measured, weighed in shell, and the processed using flame sterilized tools. They are stored in individual 1.5 ml tubes and placed in freezer storage boxes with the date and population information on them. ##January 2014 Samples Samples with the date 12914 were collected after a second check at Dabob it was determined that a second mortality event had occurred. These samples were also very small so they are whole body tissue frozen at -20. Samples were collected on the 29th and processed on the 30th. They were measured, weighed in shell, and the processed using flame sterilized tools. They are stored in individual 1.5 ml tubes and placed in freezer storage boxes with the date and population information on them. ##April 2014 Samples Samples with the date 4192014 were collected when it was determined that very few animals had survived the winter at Dabob. These samples were also very small so they are whole body tissue frozen at -20. Samples were collected on the 19th and processed on the 20th. They were measured, weighed in shell, and the processed using flame sterilized tools. They are stored in individual 1.5 ml tubes and placed in freezer storage boxes with the date and population information on them. ##May 2014 Samples Samples with the date 52314 were collected at Oyster Bay after we found a mass mortality in a few trays at Oyster Bay. These samples were whole body tissue stored in RNAlater in 15 ml conicals. In the field, They were measured, weighed in shell, and the processed using flame sterilized tools on May 23rd. Samples were then transferred to the lab but have since gone missing. I believe they are in the -20 in 209 but I have not seen them since they were originally collected. ##September 2014 Samples Samples with the day 91914 were collected at Oyster Bay for the end of the year sampling. These samples were broken down into a small sample (a piece of ctenidia and mantle) and a large sample (half to whole body sample). These animals were collected on the 19th and processed on the 20th. They were measured, weighed in shell, and the processed using flame sterilized tools. They are stored in individual 1.5 ml tubes and placed in freezer storage boxes with the date and population information as well as large or small on them. ##October 2014 Samples Samples with the date 101714 and 102414 were collected at Fidalgo and Manchester respectively as part of the end of the year sampling. These samples were broken down into a small sample (a piece of ctenidia and mantle) and a large sample (half to whole body sample). These animals were collected on the 17th and 24th then processed on the 18th and 25th respectively. They were measured, weighed in shell, and the processed using flame sterilized tools. They are stored in individual 1.5 ml tubes and placed in freezer storage boxes with the date and population information as well as large or small on them. ##April 2015 Samples Samples with the date 42215 and 42315 were collected from Manchester in early April and held in the cold room for two weeks before performing a heat/mechanical stress experiment. These samples have no tray label or site label associated with them because they were treated as a common garden conditions for the experiment. Instead they are labeled with treatment, timepoint, and animal number. They were measured, weighed in shell, and the processed using flame sterilized tools.These samples were also broken up into 2 ctenidia samples, 1 mantle sample, and whole body tissue. 1 of the 2 ctenidia samples was stored in RNAzol in a 1.5 ml homogenization tube while the other was placed in a 2 ml freezer tube and dropped into liquid nitrogen if possible, otherwise placed on ice, then both samples were stored in the -80. The mantle tissue was also stored in a 2 ml freezer tube and dropped into liquid nitrogen if possible, otherwise placed on ice, then stored in the -80. The remainder of the whole body was then placed in a 15 ml conical tube with ~13 ml 75% EtOH and stored in the -20.