import sqlite3 import sys import os import gzip from collections import OrderedDict GWASCAT_COLS = ("dbdate", "pubmedid", "author", "date", "journal", "link", "study", "trait", "initial_samplesize", "replication_samplesize", "region", "chrom", "position", "reported_genes", "mapped_gene", "upstream_gene_id", "downstream_gene_id", "snp_gene_ids", "upstream_gene_distance", "downstream_gene_distance", "strongest_snp_risk_allele", "snps", "merged", "snp_id_current", "context", "intergenic", "risk_allele_freq", "pvalue", "pvalue_mlog", "pvalue_text", "or_beta", "ci_95", "platform", "cnv") GWASCAT_TYPES = ("text", "integer", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "integer", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "integer", "integer", "text", "text", "integer", "text", "text", "integer", "real", "real", "text", "real", "real", "text", "text", "text") ## We're going to split the snp risk allele into risk_snp, risk_allele (better for joins) TBL_COLS = list(GWASCAT_COLS) TBL_TYPES = list(GWASCAT_TYPES) pos = TBL_COLS.index("strongest_snp_risk_allele") TBL_COLS.insert(pos+1, "strongest_risk_allele") TBL_COLS[pos] = "strongest_risk_snp" TBL_TYPES.insert(pos+1, "text") # mapping between columns to keep and their SQLite types TBL = OrderedDict(zip(TBL_COLS, TBL_TYPES)) db_filename = sys.argv[1] db_tablename = sys.argv[2] gwas_filename = sys.argv[3] reader = if gwas_filename.endswith('.gz') else open TBL = OrderedDict(zip(TBL_COLS, TBL_TYPES)) TBL_TYPESTR = ",\n".join(["%s %s" % (k, v) for k, v in TBL.items()]) ## SQLite to Python types (for checking, exception handling) TYPES = {"text":str, "integer":int, "real":float} def cleanfield(x): """ Simple cleaning function: if field is 'NR' or '', make None (in SQLite this is NULL), otherwise, strip field. """ if x is None: return x x = x.strip() if x.upper() in ("-", "NONE", "NA", "NR") or len(x) == 0: return None return x conn = sqlite3.connect(db_filename) conn.text_factory = str c = conn.cursor() TBL_SCHEMA = "CREATE TABLE %s(\nid integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,\n%s)" % (db_tablename, TBL_TYPESTR) c.execute(TBL_SCHEMA) header = True for line in reader(gwas_filename): if header: header = False continue fields = line.strip().split("\t") # try to coerce field type, if fails makes NULL coerced_fields = list() # parse all fields, getting appropriate conversion function fron TYPES, # if conversion fails, convert to NULL. If the column is strongest_snp_risk_allele, # split into snp and allele. for field, col, ftype in zip(fields, GWASCAT_COLS, GWASCAT_TYPES): if ftype is None: continue # this type not loaded in table if col == "strongest_snp_risk_allele": snp, _, allele = field.partition("-") allele = None if allele.upper() not in "ACTG" else allele.upper().strip() #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() coerced_fields.extend((snp.strip(), allele)) continue if col in ("dbdate", "date"): month, day, year = field.split('/') # into ISO 8601 coerced_fields.append("%s-%s-%s" % (year, month, day)) continue try: typefun = TYPES.get(ftype, None) if typefun is not None: cfield = cleanfield(field) if cfield is None: coerced_fields.append(None) else: # coerce only if not None coerced_fields.append(typefun(cfield)) else: coerced_fields.append(cleanfield(field)) except: coerced_fields.append(None) # insert into table placeholders = ["?"] * len(TBL_COLS) query = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s);" % (db_tablename, ", ".join(TBL_COLS), ", ".join(placeholders)) c.execute(query, coerced_fields) conn.commit() # commit these inserts c = conn.cursor()