##Station Helix Snails 1. Gastropods undergo **this** during development which places their anal pore over their head? 2. Snails such as these helix snails use **this** anatomical feature common in molluscs to feed? ##Station ##Station Mussel 1. Draw a mussel (shell) and label the placement of the adductor muscles 2. Where is the umbo? ##Station Squid 1. What is two means by which a squid can move through the water? ##Station Olympia oyster 1. What are two characteristics that distinguish the Olympia oyster from the Pacific Oyster? STation Rw1 ##Station Olympia oyster 1. What are two characteristics that distinguish the Olympia oyster from the Pacific Oyster? ##Station nothing Which class of Cnidarian would you never expect to see in front of you right now? Why is this? --- @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ ### Ideas for lab practical - Cnidarians: - Identify and sort - **Hydrozoa**, **Anthozoa**, and **Scyphozoa** - two different body plans - polyp and medusa - differences between them - sea pens are some the few cnidarians with bilateral symmetry - Hydrozoa - what does polymorphism refer to (differnet types of zoooids) - Anthozoa - no medusa stage - draw / exaplin acrorhagi / acontia - Where do you expect to find cnidea - scyphozoa - true jellyfish - ocelli and statocysts - box jellies - not featured in lab why? - Molluscs - intro lab was jake - Bivalves - draw a mussel (shell) and label the placement of the adductor muscles - draw paths of food / water along the ctendia - label the umbo - byssal threads are used for.. - three layers of mussel shell - Label the simplified filibranch diagram below with the following features: - holobranch - outer demibranch - foot / visceral mass - discuss shells present in lab - Gastropods - location of operculum in helix gastropods - probosis - what is it used for - what were the helix using to eat the flour (radula) - Cephalopods - how many hearts, why unique among molluscs - what is the cuttlebone used for - differences between chamber and paper nautilus shells, what is common about them (pelagic)? - dissected squid question? - name 2 - cephalopod tissues (any species) that we might find in the fossil record - Resilience project - testing population differences - what - draw a graph of data - describe the treatment your lab group decided on - duration - stres, etc. -