MWF: 12:30 - 1:20 Lab AA T, Th : 2:00 - 4:50 Lab AB M, W : 2:00 - 4:50 --- _Instructors:_ Steven Roberts Jake Heare Ryan Waples Contact: twitter: [@UW_FISH310]( --- [TopHat]( ---- ## EXPECTATIONS Prerequisites: 10 credits of biological science Reading assignments: **Most readings come from the required textbook (Biology of Invertebrates - Jan A. Pechenik - 6th Edition).** Additional readings may be posted on the website periodically to complement the course. Learning objectives: To develop skills and acquire knowledge to be able to understand the taxonomy, life history, physiology and ecology of selected invertebrate taxa. You will learn about the interrelationship between different species and their role in the natural environment. Skill objectives: • Critical thinking and problem solving • Collaborating with other students • Gathering, reading, and sharing on current events related to invertebrate biology • Participation in discussions • Implement Scientific Method to make new discoveries General Behavior: It is expected that student respect their peers and instructors. This includes but not limited to • Refraining from distracting behavior in class (texting, checking Facebook). • Respecting time and effort of all instructors. • Refraining from entering and exiting the classrooms in a disruptive manner. --- ## GRADING Assignment | Percent Grade | info ------------------|-----------------|----------- Exam 1 | 15 | short answer etc Exam 2 | 15 | short answer etc Quizzes | 10 | Mondays via Tophat Class Response | 5 | During class via Tophat Discussion Board Participation | 5 | two posts / week Final Exam | 20 | comprehensive Lab Worksheets | 10 | due each lab Lab Practicals | 10 | two in lab assessements Lab Quarter Project | 10 | writing + presentation --- Attendance Policy - Attendance in lecture is not directly recorded however quizzes and class repsonses are given via Tophat. Given the degree of live animals, set-up, and support services, there will be no make up labs. Please get to know your labmates as you will be responsible for material. The two exams will consist of: • Multiple choice • Short answer (problems, definitions, compare-and-contrast, etc.) • Short essay • Sketches / drawings The final exam will be comprehensive Quizzes will be given each Monday via Tophat. Class Response Activity: Tophat will be used in class for assessment. *Lab Worksheets:* In each lab period you will fill out a worksheet. This worksheet must be completed by the end of lab. *Lab Practical:* There will be two lab practicals using a station method which will assess your knowledge gained during lab. Discussion Board Participation: The discussion board will be the primary means of communication. Please use it to ask question, answer questions, and share fun facts about invertebrates. --- ## SCHEDULE Date | Lecture | Readings | lab | week -------|-------------|---------|---------|----------- 3/30 | L1 - [Intro]( | | _no lab_ | **one** 4/1 | L2 - [Environment and Physiology]( | Chapter 1 | _no lab_ 4/3 | L3 - [Invertebrate Classification]( | Chapter 2 4/6 | L4 - [Protozoa]( | Chapter 3 | [_Lab Intro_]( | **two** 4/8 | L5 - [Porifera]( | Chapter 4 | [_Quarter Project A_]( 4/10 | L6 - [Cnidaria]( | Chapter 6; [Coral Paper]( 4/13 | L6 - [Cnidaria](( | Chapter 6 | [_Intro to Cnidaria_]( | **three** 4/15 | Coral Health - Dr. Closek | Chapter 6 | [_Quarter Project B_]( 4/17 | L7 - [Cnidaria]( | Chapter 6 | 4/20 | L8 - [Mollusca]( | Chapter 12 | [_Mollusc 1: Introduction to Molluscs_ ]( | **four** 4/22 | NO CLASS L9 - [Mollusca]( - see recording | Chapter 12 | [_Mollusc 2: Bivalves_]( 4/24 | Mollusca - Abalone; Crosson | Chapter 12 4/27 | L10 - [Mollusca]( | Chapter 12 | [_Quarter Project C_]( | **five** 4/29 | L11 - [Mollusca]( | Chapter 12 | [_Mollusc 3: Gastropods / Cephalopods_]( 5/1 | Review | 5/4 | Exam 1 | - | _Lab Midterm Exam_ | **six** 5/6 | L12 - [Arthropoda]( | Chapter 14 | [_Intro to Arthropoda_]( 5/8 | L13 - [Arthropoda]( | Chapter 14 5/11 | L13 - [Arthropoda]( | Chapter 14 | [_Quarter Project D_]( | **seven** 5/13 | L14 - [Arthropoda]( | Chapter 14 | [_Arthropod 2: Crustacean Development, Senses and More_]( 5/15 | Crabs & DO - Dr. Froelich | **5/17** | FIELD TRIP | | [_Alki Beach_]( 5/18 | L15 - [Echinoderm]( | Chapter 20 | [_Echinoderm_]( | **eight** 5/20 | L15 - Echinoderm ([video]( | Chapter 20 | [_Quarter Project E_]( 5/22 | L16 - [Potpourii]( | Chapter 20 5/25 | _Holiday_ | | _no lab_ | **nine** 5/27 | Review | | _no lab_ 5/29 | Exam 2 | 6/1 | L17 - [Hemichordates]( | Chapter 21 and 23 | _Lab Final Exam_ | **ten** 6/3 | L18 - [Immune Response]( | | _QP Presentations_ 6/5 | Review | --- ## General laboratory rules - No food or drink (this includes gum) - No cell phones in lab - Always wear closed toed shoes (Strictly Enforced). - Put scalpel blades in the sharps container. - Handle preserved specimens and shells carefully. - Rinse tools off before and after use. - Rinse your hands well with water only to remove lotions or soaps before touching live animals. - Handle all animals gently. - Keep live animals in the water and avoid temperature, oxygen, and light shock. - Don’t feed the animals. - Don’t let animals dry out. - Never place dead animals in the garbage, put them in the bags provided. - Put preserved animals back in the correct jar. - Don’t mix instruments used with live and dead animals; clean the implements. - If you are unsure of what to do, ask before you act. --- ## GENERAL POLICIES Disability accommodations: If you would like to request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact Disabled Student Services, 448 Schmitz (206-543-8924 (V/TTY). If you have a letter from Disabled Student Services indicating you have a disability that requires academic accommodations, please present the letter to the instructor so that we can discuss the accommodations you might need for the class. Academic Integrity: Plagiarism, cheating, and other misconduct are serious violations of your contract as a student. We expect that you will know and follow the University's policies on cheating and plagiarism. Any suspected cases of academic misconduct will be handled according to University regulations. Field Trips: We will go on one field trip - May 17th to Alki Beach.