Too meta? Having just given a talk on reproducibility, I am in the midst of responding to reviewer comments about what we did (12 months ago!) and boy can I say every minute of putting [this notebook]( was worth it. I even found [where we ran the entire notebook, so all result files are easily accessible]( Beyond praising Claire, I will document my follow up analysis here. Essentially the want more quantitative information on differential methylation beyond .. OlsonandRoberts2015_9_docx_1BC2FBAE.png Makes sense. Here is what was originally done. olson-ms-nb_BiGo_dev_ipynb_at_master_·_che625_olson-ms-nb_1BC2FCC5.png For example the file named _linexon_ contained `16 exon_intersect_DML_lin_u.txt`. The 4 files were concatenated to produce `lintable` .... eagle_fish_washington_edu_cnidarian_olson-ms-nb-master_12_1714_wd_lintable_1BC2FE30.png and a little awk ``` awk 'FNR==NR{sum+=$1;next}; {print $0,sum}' lintable{,} > lin_total awk '{print $2, $1, $3, (($1/$3)*100)}' lin_total > lineage_DMLs ``` to create `lineage_DMLs`... eagle_fish_washington_edu_cnidarian_olson-ms-nb-master_12_1714_wd_lineage_DMLs_1BC2FE65.png