Alternative Splicing. In out heat stress experiment a total of 42 alternatively spliced genes were identified. I took a quick look [here](, but lets be a little more systematic --- tldr table ##gene:CGI_10016948 scaffold1391:350298-393065 Type = gene ID: gene:CGI_10016948
assembly_name: GCA_000297895.1
biotype: protein_coding
description: Fibrocystin-L [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:K1Q166
logic_name: genemodel_cgigas
version: 1
scaffold1391:350298-393065 Generally this gene is very methylated given other data. This gene is also differentially expressed, and hypomethylated. IGV_-_Session___Volumes_web_halfshell_2015-05-comgenbro_igv_session_xml_1B5035C1.png --- The next gene is not annotated and there is no array information. A blast clearly identifies the gene as alpha-(1,3)-fucosyltransferase C-like. IGV_-_Session___Volumes_web_halfshell_2015-05-comgenbro_igv_session_xml_1B50376A.png ---