#!/usr/bin/perl -w #-----------------------------------------------------------+ # | # Blast2Gff.pl | # | #-----------------------------------------------------------+ # AUTHOR: James C. Estill | # CONTACT: JamesEstill_at_gmail.com | # STARTED: 04/17/2007 | # UPDATED: 04/18/2007 | # DESCRIPTION: | # Converts BLAST output to GFF format. This the the GFF | # format that is used with the Apollo Genome Annotation | # curation program. | # Currently this only works with m8 blast output. | # # modified by Steven Roberts # Modified to work when doing a "reverse" blast. In other words the sequence ID is the Subject as opposed to the Query. # Also modifed so score field displays e-value as opposed to bit score. | #-----------------------------------------------------------+ =head1 INCLDUES =cut #-----------------------------+ # INCLUDES | #-----------------------------+ use strict; # Keeps thing running clean use Getopt::Std; # Get options from command line =head1 VARIABLES =cut #-----------------------------+ # VARIABLES | #-----------------------------+ my $GffAppend; # BOOLEAN. Append to GFF file my $InFile; # Full path to the input blast output file my $OutFile; # Full path to the gff formatted output file my $AlignFormat; # Alignment format of the blast output file # ie. -m = 0,8, or 9 my $PrintHelp; # Boolean, print the Usage statement my $BlastDb; # Blast database my $BlastProg; # Blast program (ie. blastn, blastx my $SeqName; # Name of the sequence file used for query my $Usage = "USAGE:\n". "Blast2Gff.pl -i InFile.Fasta -o OutFile.gff -d BlastDb\n". " -p blastprogram -m AligFormat -s SeqName -a\n\n". " -i Full path to the BLAST output file[STRING]\n". " -o Full path for the GFF formated file [STRING]\n". " Default is the intput file path with gff extension.\n". " -d Blast database that was blasted against [STRING]\n". " This is required\n". " -s ". " -m Format of the algnment outout from blast [INTEGER]\n". " Default value is 8. Valid values are 0,8,9". " -p Blast program used [STRING]\n". " Default is blastn\n". " -a Append results to the gff file [BOOLEAN]\n". " Default is to overwrite any exiting file.\n". " -h Print this help statement [BOOLEAN]\n"; =head1 COMMAND LINE VARIABLES =cut #-----------------------------+ # COMMAND LINE VARIABLES | #-----------------------------+ my %Options; getopts('d:i:o:m:p:s:ha', \%Options); $PrintHelp = $Options{h}; if ($PrintHelp) { print $Usage; exit; } $SeqName = $Options{s} || die "\aERROR: A sequence file name must be specified\n$Usage\n"; $GffAppend = $Options{a}; $InFile = $Options{i} || die "\aERROR: An input file must be specified.\n\n$Usage\n"; # Default output is the full path of the input file with the gff extension $BlastProg = $Options{p} || "blastn"; $BlastDb = $Options{d} || die "\aERROR: A blast database should be indicated.\n\n$Usage\n"; $OutFile = $Options{o} || $InFile.".gff"; $AlignFormat = $Options{m} || "8"; # Default format is tab delim #-----------------------------+ # CHECK FILE EXISTENCE | #-----------------------------+ unless (-e $InFile) { print "The input file could not be found\n$InFile\n"; exit; } #-----------------------------+ # CONVERT BLAST FILE TO GFF | #-----------------------------+ # Test Blast2Gff subfunction if ($AlignFormat == "8") { &TabBlast2Gff ($InFile, $OutFile, $BlastDb, $SeqName, "blastn"); } else { print "A valid BLAST alignment format was not selected.\n"; } #-----------------------------------------------------------+ # SUBFUNCTIONS | #-----------------------------------------------------------+ sub TabBlast2Gff { my $In = $_[0]; # Path to blast intput file my $Out = $_[1]; # Path to gff output file my $Db = $_[2]; # The BLAST databas the hits are derived from my $Name = $_[3]; # Seqname my $Prog = $_[4]; # BLAST program used my $GStart; # GFF Start position my $GEnd; # GFF End position # my $Format = $_[4]; # Format of the blast file # # 8,9, 0 etc # my $UseScore = $_[5]; # Score format to use my $HitNum = "0"; #-----------------------------+ # FILE I/O | #-----------------------------+ open (BLASTIN, "<".$In) || die "Can not open BLAST input file.$In.\n"; # If append was selected, just append gff data to the # output file if ($GffAppend) { open (GFFOUT, ">>".$Out) || die "Can not open GFF ouput file.$Out.\n"; } else { open (GFFOUT, ">".$Out) || die "Can not open GFF ouput file.$Out.\n"; } while () { $HitNum++; my ($QryId, $SubId, $PID, $Len, $MisMatch, $GapOpen, $QStart,$QEnd, $SStart, $SEnd, $EVal, $BitScore) = split(/\t/); my $Strand; my $Frame = "."; # Set the start to be less then the end # This info can be used to dedeuct the strand # sr320: modifying below to focus on S for using when blast changes direction # sr320 changed all Q to S if ($SStart < $SEnd) { $GStart = $SStart; $GEnd = $SEnd; $Strand = "+"; } elsif ($SStart > $SEnd) { $GStart = $SStart; $GEnd = $SEnd; $Strand = "-"; } else { die "Unexpected Query Start and End:\n\tS:$QStart\n\tE:$QEnd"; } # Trim leading white space from Bit score $BitScore =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; # Currently working with this to get it to draw # the items as separate items print GFFOUT # I initially used the following # sr320 rearranging for reverse blast (going in other direction) # sr320 changed to output evalue instead of bit score # $Name."\t". # SeqName $SubId."\t". # $QryId."\t". $Prog.":".$Db."\t". # Source (BLAST PROGRAM) # $Prog.":".$Db."\t". # Feature (Database) # $SubId."\t". # Feature (Database) $Prog."\t". # Feature (Database) $GStart."\t". # Start $GEnd."\t". # End $EVal."\t". # evalue # $BitScore."\t". # Score $Strand."\t". # Strand $Frame."\t". # Frame $QryId."\t". # $SubId. # Attribute "\n"; } # END OF WHILE BLASTIN } # END OF Blast2Gff Subfunction #-----------------------------------------------------------+ # PROGRAM STARTED #-----------------------------------------------------------+ # 04/17/2007 # - Program started # - Started Blast2Gff subfunction with tab delim format # # 04/18/2007 # - Adding command line options # - Working on Blast2Gff tab delim format