**Final Report: Resource coordination workshops focused on oysters and other shellfish** Steven Roberts; University of the Washington As part of this USDA-NRSP8 funded project two resource coordination workshops were held that coincided with a national and regional scientific meetings. The first workshop was held and March 2015 in Monterey, CA and another workshop was help in Hood River, OR in October 2015. Working with the respective organizations we were able to get space and audio-visual equipment donated, with funds used to partially pay travel costs of participants. The first workshop was predominantly tutorial-based and was held in conjunction with the National Shellfisheries Association Meeting in Monterey California. The workshop began with the following presentations, followed by a group discussion. - Steven Roberts: Data management and workflows - Alberto Arias-Perez: SNP genotype calling with GATK in Pacific oyster families - Dina Proestou: Transcriptomic data analysis for evaluation of mechanisms of disease resistance - Marta Gomez-Chiarri: Strategy for sequencing the Eastern oyster genome. - Katherine Silliman: Genotype-by-Sequencing in the Olympia Oyster In addition to sharing practical means for analysis, other highlights of this workshop was sharing of open educational resources, as well a structure for providing input on the Eastern oyster genome sequencing effort. Details of the workshop were published online (http://oystergen.es/workshop/) including the livestream video recording of all presentations. The second workshop was held in conjunction with the Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association meeting in Hood River Oregon. As opposed to the first workshop, the format for this workshop a round-table discussion of current research activities with a focus on way to coordinate and not duplicate efforts going forward. A majority of attendees in the Oregon Workshop were not present for the earlier workshop. After a brief summary of the Monterey workshop outcomes, participants shared current research activities. Highlights of the discussion included 1) the assembly status of the Pacific oyster genome, 2) value of array versus NGS approaches, 3) the status and inventory of the Molluscan Broodstock Program, and 4) announcement of a USDA ARS Post-doc position. Beyond the recognition of overlapping research efforts and follow-up conversations on coordination (ie several ongoing ocean acidification are currently underway), the group agreed the use of the "mollwrcc" listserver was the best mean for communication.