This workflow how to take a table quantitative information on a genomic feature and bring into VizDeck. Specifically a gff format table with DNA methylation information will be joing with functional and gene characteristic information. In this instance I will start with the query first: SELECT seqname, start as CpG_pos, CAST(start AS FLOAT(1))/(mRNA.column5 - mRNA.column4)*100 as Rel_CpG_pos, score as methratio, term, GOSlim_bin, aspect, mRNA.column5 - mRNA.column4 as mRNA_length FROM [].[BiGill_methratio_Gene_Genomic_GFF] gff left join [].[qDOD_Cgigas_GO_GOslim] des ​on gff.seqname = des.CGI_ID left join [].[oyster_v9_mRNA GFF] mRNA on gff.seqname = mRNA.Column9 Order by mRNA_length desc Explanation: The _gff_ was joined with _des_ (to get gene function) and _mRNA_ to indirectly obtain gene length. Below are snapshots and links to the tables. Screenshot%205/25/13%209:09%20AM



###Resulting table Screenshot%205/25/13%209:18%20AM