Lab 1: DNA isolation; initiate RNA isolation

Lab Objectives
By the end of lab you should have completed the following:

RNA Extraction Part 1

Supplies and Reagents

Procedure Background
This section provides an explanation of the methods being used and provieds some essential background information.

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  1. Label the snap cap tube containing your tissue sample with your initials and the date using a lab marker. Keep the sample stored on ice until you are ready for homogenization.
  2. Add 500uL of TriReagent to the 1.5mL snap cap tube containing your tissue. Store on ice.
  3. Carefully homogenize the tissue using a disposable pestle. If the tissue is difficult to homogenize, carefully close the tube tightly and briefly vortex the sample.
  4. After the sample is completely homogenized, add an additional 500uL of TriReagent to the tube and close the tube tightly.
  5. Vortex vigorously for 15s.
  6. Stop here for Lab 1 and give your labeled homogenized tissue sample to the TA for storage at -80ºC. You will be finishing your RNA extraction in lab next week.

DNA Isolation (DNazol)

Supplies and Reagents

Procedure Background

DNazol Extraction Protocol (Adapted from MRC manual)
    1. Using a sterile pestle, homogenize your tissue sample in 0.5 mL of DNazol in a 1.5 mL sterile microfuge tube. After the tissue is homogenized, add 0.5 mL more of DNazol and mix well.
    2. Let your sample incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature.
    3. Spin your sample at 10,000 x g (room temp) for 10 minutes.
    4. Transfer your supernatant to a new, labeled tube.
    5. Add 0.5 mL of 100 % ethanol to your sample.
    6. Mix your sample by inverting your tube 5-8 times.
    7. Store your sample at room temperature for 1 minute.
    8. Your DNA should form a cloudy precipitate. Remove the DNA and put in a new tube using your pipette.
    9. Let your sample sit at room temp for 1 minute and remove the rest of the lysate (liquid that is not DNA).
    10. Wash your DNA with 1 mL of 75% ethanol: Pipette the ethanol into your DNA tube, invert 6 times, and let sit for 1 minute. Remove the ethanol from the tube and repeat.
    11. If there is ethanol left at the bottom of your tube after the second wash, remove with a small pipette.
    12. Add 300 µL of 0.1% DEPC water to your DNA and pipette up and down multiple times to dissolve.
    13. Bring your DNA sample up to the Nanodrop to quantify.

DNA Quantification

  1. Pipette 2µL of 0.1%DEPC-H20 onto the Nanodrop pedestal and lower the arm.
  2. Select "dsDNA" from the pulldown menu
  3. Click "Blank", to zero the instrument. NOTE: steps 1 and 2 only need to be done once for the whole class.
  4. Pipette 2µL of your DNA sample onto the Nanodrop pedestal and lower the arm
  5. Click "Measure". Record your DNA concentration (ng/µL), A260/280 ratio and A260/230 ratio. NOTE: The Nanodrop uses the Beer-Lambert Law to calculate DNA concentration for you.
  6. Raise the arm and wipe off you sample with a KimWipe
  7. Clearly label your stock DNA sample with the word "DNA", source organism/tissue, your initials, today's date and the concentration in ug/uL.
  8. Store sample at -20ºC.