December 3, 2013

Ran qPCR for the third time. Only treatment samples from week 2 were amplified.

Copper/ high CO2

Copper/ low CO2


November 26, 2013

made cDNA from all 7 samples. Tested primers (qPCR) with negative control (water), B1 and C1.

qPCR 1: Testing of primers was successful.
negative control: 82419
B1: 55.13
C1: 32.1

Reverse Transcription
  1. Mix stock RNA sample by inverting tube several times
  2. 7- 0.5mL PCR tubes (green) , labeled: BL, CO1, CO2, B1, C1, B2, C2
  3. Add 5µL of RNA + 12.75 µL of master mix (MM1) into each tube
    1. MM1 -
      1. 4µL - oligo dT (0.5µL x 8)
      2. 98µL - nuclease free H2O (12.25µL x 8)
  4. Incubate mixture for 5 minutes at 70C in thermocycler, then immediately transfer to ice
  5. Add 7.25µL into each tube
    1. 40µL - M-MLV 5x Reaction Buffer (5µL x 8)
    2. 10µL - dNTP (1.25µL x 8)
    3. 4 µL - M-MLV RT (0.5µL x 8)
    4. 4µL - nuclease free H2O (4µL x 8)
  6. Incubate mixture (25µL total) for 60 minutes at 43C and then heat inactivate at 70C for 3 minutes in the thermacycler
  7. Store on ice


  1. PCR plates (white); optically clear caps x 4
  2. 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes
  3. Nuclease free water
  4. Filter tips
  5. Opticon thermal cycler
  6. Kim Wipes
  7. 2x Immomix Master Mix
  8. SYTO-13 Dye
  9. microcentrifuge tube racks
  10. ice buckets
  11. cDNA samples (32g)
  12. HSP70 - primer

  1. Prepare a "master mix" (Negative control, B1, C1 + 1 for mistakes):
    1. 50 µL - Master Mix (SsoFast EvaGreen supermix) ( 12.5 µL x 4)
    2. 2 µL - Upstream primer (10 µM) [HSP70] (0.5 µL x 4)
    3. 2 µL - Downstream primer (10 µM) [HSP70] (0.5 µL x 4)
    4. 42 µL - Ultrapure water (10.5 µL x 4)
  2. Add 25 µL of the "master mix" to each well of the white PCR plate
  3. Thaw cDNA samples
  4. Once cDNA samples have been thawed, add 1 µL of the sample to two of the wells - template
  5. Add 1 µL of ultra pure water to one of the wells - negative controls
  6. Cap the wells securely
  7. Label the control and 2 cDNA (B1, C1) templates
  8. Place strips on ice
  9. Take sample upstairs to qPCR machine, and spin the strips to collect volume at the bottom of the wells
  10. Load the PCR plate with the samples, verify the CONDITIONS (below) are correct and start the run
      1. 95C for 10 minutes (denature)
      2. 95C for 15 seconds (denature)
      3. 55C for 15 seconds (anneal)
      4. 72C for 15 seconds + plate read (extend)
      5. Repeat step 2 - 39x
      6. 95 for 10 seconds
      7. Melt curve from 65C - 95C, at 0.5C for 5 seconds (+ plate read)

November 20, 2013

Performed final tissue extractions. 10 mussels (5 from each condition) from high CO2+Cu/ low CO2+Cu died. Total of 5 samples - 1 control, 2 from week one, 2 from week 2 (from Cu treatments only). RNA was isolated from all 5 samples and quantified.

Control 1
Control 2

RNA Isolation:

  1. Micropipettes (1-1000µL)
  2. sterile filter pipette tips (1-1000µL)
  3. 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes
  4. microcentrifuge rack
  5. ice bucket
  6. cortex
  7. hot water bath
  8. chloroform
  9. RNAase free water
  10. chloroform
  11. isopropanol
  12. 75% ethanol
  13. 0.1% DEPC treated water


  1. Heat water bath to 55C
  2. Incubate homogenized tissue sample (from freezer) at RT for 5 minutes
  3. Under the fume hood add 200µL of chloroform
  4. Vortex sample for 30 seconds (the solution should become a milky emulsion)
  5. incubate at RT again for 5 minutes
  6. Spin sample in centrifuge (refrigerated) at 14,000 x g for 15 minutes
  7. CAREFULLY remove sample from centrifuge (do not allow layers/tissue to mix)
  8. Transfer the aqueous (clear) phase to a new microcentrifuge tube (DO NOT transfer any of the interphase)
  9. Label tube: RNA, DC, 10/08
  10. Close the tube containing the interphase, and set it aside to be disposed of later
  11. Add 500µL of isopropanol to the new "RNA" tube. Mix by inverting the sample multiple times (the solution should not be "viscous/lumpy")
  12. Incubate sample at RT for 5 minutes
  13. Centrifuge (refrigerator) "RNA" sample for 8 minutes at 14,000 x g. When positioning tube, place the hinge pointing away from the center of the centrifuge
  14. Remove sample from centrifuge. A small white pellet should be present
  15. Using a pipette, carefully remove supernatant from solution
  16. Add 1mL of 75% Ethanol to the pellet.
  17. Vortex sample until pellet is dislodged from the side of the tube
  18. Spin sample in centrifuge at 7,500g for 5 minutes
  19. Remove sample from centrifuge and CAREFULLY remove supernatant
  20. Briefly spin sample at 14,000g to pool residual EtOH
  21. Using a small pipette tip (P10 or P20), remove remaining EtOH
  22. Leave tube open and allow pellet to dry for no more than 5 minutes
  23. Add 100µL of 0.1% DEPC-H2O to the sample by pipetting up and down until the pellet is dissolved (vortex if necessary)
  24. Incubate sample at 55C (water bath) for 5 minutes to help solubilize RNA
  25. Remove tube from heat, and flick a few times to make sure everything is mixed
  26. Place sample in freezer at -80C

November 12, 2013

Gill tissues samples were taken from 1 mussel in each treatment conditions. 2 gill samples - one for protein extraction and one for RNA isolation - from each tank. 1 foot tissue sample from the same mussels. Tissue samples are stored at -80C, and are going to be analyzed and processed next week.

November 5 - 6, 2013

4 tanks were set up (2 - pH 7.5 (high)), .5mg/L of Copper were added into 2 tanks (normal+high). 10 mussels were placed in each tank on Wednesday. Week 0 (baseline) tissue samples were collected on Tuesday (11/5) - gill + foot. Gill tissues - 4 tubes (weighing between 0.2-0.5g) kept at -80C. Labeled: date, M1 or M2 (depending on which mussel they came from) and mass of tissue. RNA and protein will be extracted from these samples towards the end of the experiment.

October 29, 2013

Finalized project set up with team. 4 conditions - 1 control (no Cu, 400ppm CO2), no Cu + 1500ppm Co2, Cu+1500ppm CO2, 400ppm + Cu. 10 mussels in each condition, tissue samples extracted every Tuesday during lab (gill and foot), and analyzed using SDS-PAGE and qPCR during weeks 2 and 4 of November. Set up tanks on Friday (11/01) - began bubbling CO2 into them. pH will be measured later on (11/03) to determine if it's within our desired range. Decided to measure overall rate of gene expression of HSP70 in mussels, instead of MT-20. Studies have shown that HSP70 is affected by the presence of metals. And chose to use copper instead because the health risks related to Cadmium are too high. Still unsure about whether or not we are going to be feeding the mussels, but tanks will be changed every Tuesday.

October 22, 2013

Protein SDS/PAGE and Western blot, analyze conventional PCR (agarose gel) & qPCR data


Our extracted protein samples were run through SDS-PAGE gels, and then stained to revel the proteins in each lane using a western blot. PCR was done using an agarose gel with our cDNA samples, amplified bands were analyzed under a UV light. qPCR data from last week (10/15) was analyzed during lecture.

Materials and Methods:


  1. Micropipettes (1-1000µL)
  2. sterile filter pipette tips (1-1000µL)
  3. sterile gel loading tips
  4. 1.5 mL screw cap tubes
  5. microcentrifuge tube rack
  6. heating block w/ water bath
  7. tube "floatie" (water bath)
  8. protein gel box
  9. SDS-PAGE gels
  10. trays for staining gels
  11. platform shaker
  12. 2x SDS reducing sample buffer
  13. protein ladder marker
  14. gel running buffer
  15. light box

  1. Boil water on hot plate
  2. In a 1.5mL SCREW CAP tube add 15µL of the extracted protein and 15µL of 2x reducing sample buffer
  3. Mix sample by flocking
  4. Label new SCREW CAP: DC, 10/22
  5. Boil sample in water bath for 5 minutes
  6. Gel assembly
    1. Remove gel from packaging
    2. Remove comb
    3. Rinse gel with water
    4. Place gels in box, with wells facing towards you, lock in place
  7. When sample is finished boiling, load in centrifuge for 1 minute (make sure ladder has been added into well 1)
  8. Once samples are all loaded, place lid on box, plug in electrodes
  9. Allow gel to run for ~1 hour (or until blue line is on/near the bottom of the gel) [150V]
  10. ~1 hour later, turn power supply off and disconnect gel box from power supply
  11. Remove lid from box
  12. Disengage the tension wedge
  13. Remove gel from gel box
  14. Carefully crack open cassette to expose gel
  15. Trim wells using blade
  16. In order to remember which gel is which, make a distinct mark on the corner of the gel
  17. Run gel through western blot
  18. After western blot, stain gel to help visualize bands

Western Blot

  1. Nanopure water
  2. Gel staining tray
  3. Blocking solution
  4. Rotary shaker
  5. Primary antibody solution
  6. Antibody wash
  7. Secondary antibody solution
  8. Chromogenic substrate
  9. SDS-PAGE gels
  10. Tris-Glycine transfer buffer
  11. Filter paper
  12. Nitrocellulose membrane
  13. Semi-dry transfer station

  1. Soak the filter paper, membrane and SDS-PAGE gel in Tris-Glyycine Transfer Buffer for 15 minutes
  2. Assemble the blotting sandwhich in the semi-dry blotting apparatus:
    1. Anode (+++)
    2. Filter paper
    3. Membrane
    4. SDS-PAGE Gel
    5. Filter paper
    6. Cathode (-)
  3. Transfer the blot for 30 minutes at 20V
  4. Remove the gel from the sandwhich and rinse off adhering piece of gel with transfer buffer
  5. Wash membrane 2 times, for 5 minutes, with 20mL of pure water
  6. Place the membrane in the plastic box and add 10mL of Blocking Solution (30 minutes)
  7. Decant liquid
  8. Rinse the membrane with 20 mL of water for 5 minutes, then decant. Repeat.
  9. Incubate the membrane in 10 mL of Primary Antibody Solution. Decant the solution.
  10. Rinse the membrane with 20 mL of Antibody Wash for 5 minutes, then decant. Repeat 3 times.
  11. Incubate the membrane in 10 mL of Secondary Antibody Solution for 30 minutes. Decant.
  12. Wash the membrane for 5 minutes with 20 mL of Antibody wash, then decant. Repeat 3 times.
  13. Rinse the membrane with 20 mL of pure water for 2 minutes, then decant. Repeat twice.
  14. Incubate the membrane in 5 mL of Chromogenic Substrate until a purple band appears. This will occur between 1-60 minutes after adding the Chromogenic Substrate.
  15. Dry the membrane on a clean piece of filter paper to the open air.


  1. Agarose gel
  2. 1x TAE Buffer
  3. UV transilluminator
  4. cDNA sample

  1. Place gel in gel box and fill with 1x TAE Buffer (fully cover wells)
  2. Remove combs from wells
  3. Load 7µL 100bp ladder in far left lane (#1)
  4. Load 20µL of cDNA sample into gel
    1. Freeze left over sample at -20C
  5. Run gel at ~100V for ~` hour
  6. Visualize the gel on the UV transilluminator


SDS-PAGE/ Western blot: saw some protein at the top of well 2 in the gel, and trace amounts of protein transferred over onto the membrane during the western blot
PCR: saw one lane in the well where my sample was loaded


SDS-PAGE/Western blot: Since I thought I did my protein extraction correctly, when I ran my sample (84m,Oly) through the gel I was expecting to see some of it transfer onto the membrane, which was exactly what I saw.

PCR: when I ran my cDNA sample through qPCR last week, I only saw one peak on the melting curve (HSP-70 primer) and since I only saw one lane in my agarose gel, I know I did my cDNA extraction correctly.


The purpose of this lab was to show us different ways that we can analzye our tissue samples, to see if the specific protein we're looking for is present and in what quantities. We will then use these skills when we are analyzing our own samples, once we start running our own experiments.

October 15, 2013

Quantitative PCR/ Protein Extraction:


qPCR was used to amplify the cDNA sample generated last week (10/8) from sample gill tissue. And protein was extracted from sample muscle tissue.

Materials and Methods:

Quantitative PCR:

  1. PCR plates (white); optically clear caps x 4
  2. 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes
  3. Nuclease free water
  4. Filter tips
  5. Opticon thermal cycler
  6. Kim Wipes
  7. 2x Immomix Master Mix
  8. SYTO-13 Dye
  9. microcentrifuge tube racks
  10. ice buckets
  11. cDNA samples (32g)
  12. HSP70 - primer

  1. Prepare a "master mix" (make enough for the number of reactions + 1 for mistakes):
    1. 62.5 µL - Master Mix (SsoFast EvaGreen supermix) ( 12.5 µL x 5)
    2. 2.5 µL - Upstream primer (10 µM) [HSP70] (0.5 µL x 5)
    3. 2.5 µL - Downstream primer (10 µM) [HSP70] (0.5 µL x 5)
    4. 51.5 µL - Ultrapure water (10.5 µL x 5)
  2. Add 24 µL of the "master mix" to each well of the white PCR plate
  3. Thaw cDNA samples
  4. Once cDNA samples have been thawed, add 1 µL of the sample to two of the wells - template
  5. Add 1 µL of ultra pure water to two of the wells - negative controls
  6. Cap the wells securely
  7. Label the 2 controls and 2 cDNA templates
  8. Place strips on ice
  9. Take sample upstairs to qPCR machine, and spin the strips to collect volume at the bottom of the wells
  10. Load the PCR plate with the samples, verify the CONDITIONS (below) are correct and start the run
      1. 95C for 10 minutes (denature)
      2. 95C for 15 seconds (denature)
      3. 55C for 15 seconds (anneal)
      4. 72C for 15 seconds + plate read (extend)
      5. Repeat step 2 - 39x
      6. 95 for 10 seconds
      7. Melt curve from 65C - 95C, at 0.5C for 5 seconds (+ plate read)
Protein Extraction and Analysis: Part 1

  1. Micropipettes (1-1000µL)
  2. sterile filter pipette tips (1-1000µL)
  3. 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes
  4. sterile 2mL screw cap centrifuge tube
  5. sterile disposable pipettes
  6. microcentrifuge (refrigerated)
  7. CellLytic MT Cell Lysis Reagent (with Protease Inhibitor Cocktail added)

  1. Retrieve frozen tissue sample
  2. Label tube with sample: DC, 10/15, 84m Oly
  3. Add 500µL of CellLytic MT solution to the 1.5mL snap cap tube containing your cut piece of frozen tissue
  4. Homogenize tissue using a sterile disposable pipette
  5. Once fully homogenized, close the tube and invert several times
  6. Centrifuge sample (fridge) for 10 minutes at max speed
  7. While spinning, label a new tube: Protein, DC, 10/15, 84m Oly
  8. Remove sample from centrifuge
  9. Extract centrifuge and place supernatant in "Protein" tube
  10. Store sample on ice for next week


Since we did not quantify our protein samples, I am assuming that my protein extraction was successful, and would have generated a linear graph.

qPCR results: sample 1 (cDNA) = successfully amplified, sample 1 and 2 (cDNA) = 1 peak on melting curve for both (not sure why...)


The purpose of this lab is to show how we can use primers to amplify a specific sequence we are looking at, so that when we start working on our own experiments, we'll be able to use qPCR to analyze the gene we're looking at, and know if our cDNA had the specific sequence/protein we're looking for. And we learned how to extract protein from tissue samples so that we can use the same technique with our tissue samples later on in the quarter.

We finalized our group projects: metallothionein and ocean acidification [Mussels] - (Charlie, Rachel, Matt)

October 8, 2013

RNA Extraction Part 2:


RNA was completely isolated from a sample of gill tissue that was prepared with 1,000µL TriReagent. The extracted RNA was then used to generate a cDNA copy.

Materials and Methods:

RNA Isolation:

  1. Micropipettes (1-1000µL)
  2. sterile filter pipette tips (1-1000µL)
  3. 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes
  4. microcentrifuge rack
  5. ice bucket
  6. cortex
  7. hot water bath
  8. chloroform
  9. RNAase free water
  10. chloroform
  11. isopropanol
  12. 75% ethanol
  13. 0.1% DEPC treated water


  1. Heat water bath to 55C
  2. Incubate homogenized tissue sample (from freezer) at RT for 5 minutes
  3. Under the fume hood add 200µL of chloroform
  4. Vortex sample for 30 seconds (the solution should become a milky emulsion)
  5. incubate at RT again for 5 minutes
  6. Spin sample in centrifuge (refrigerated) at 14,000 x g for 15 minutes
  7. CAREFULLY remove sample from centrifuge (do not allow layers/tissue to mix)
  8. Transfer the aqueous (clear) phase to a new microcentrifuge tube (DO NOT transfer any of the interphase)
  9. Label tube: RNA, DC, 10/08
  10. Close the tube containing the interphase, and set it aside to be disposed of later
  11. Add 500µL of isopropanol to the new "RNA" tube. Mix by inverting the sample multiple times (the solution should not be "viscous/lumpy")
  12. Incubate sample at RT for 5 minutes
  13. Centrifuge (refrigerator) "RNA" sample for 8 minutes at 14,000 x g. When positioning tube, place the hinge pointing away from the center of the centrifuge
  14. Remove sample from centrifuge. A small white pellet should be present
  15. Using a pipette, carefully remove supernatant from solution
  16. Add 1mL of 75% Ethanol to the pellet.
  17. Vortex sample until pellet is dislodged from the side of the tube
  18. Spin sample in centrifuge at 7,500g for 5 minutes
  19. Remove sample from centrifuge and CAREFULLY remove supernatant
  20. Briefly spin sample at 14,000g to pool residual EtOH
  21. Using a small pipette tip (P10 or P20), remove remaining EtOH
  22. Leave tube open and allow pellet to dry for no more than 5 minutes
  23. Add 100µL of 0.1% DEPC-H2O to the sample by pipetting up and down until the pellet is dissolved (vortex if necessary)
  24. Incubate sample at 55C (water bath) for 5 minutes to help solubilize RNA
  25. Remove tube from heat, and flick a few times to make sure everything is mixed
  26. Place sample in freezer at -80C

Reverse Transcription (cDNA):

  1. Micropipettes (1-1000µL)
  2. Sterile filter pipette tips (1-1000µL)
  3. RNA samples
  4. PCR tubes (0.5mL)
  5. Oligo dT
  6. Nuclease Free Water
  7. Buffer
  8. dNTP's
  9. M-MLV-Reverse Transcriptase
  10. PCR tube rack


  1. Label a 0.5mL PCR test tube: DC, RNA, 10/08, 32g
  2. Add 5µL of your RNA sample into the 0.5mL tube
  3. Add 1µL of oligo dT to the same tube
  4. Add 4µL of nuclease free water the new RNA tube
  5. Incubate sample at 70C for 5 minutes
  6. Remove sample from incubator, and add 14µL of the "Master Mix" (Buffer, NTP's, M-MLV-RT, Nuclease free water) to the tube
  7. Invert tube a few times to mix the sample
  8. Store sample on ice


Since we did not perform the RNA quantification, I don't know how pure my RNA sample is. But assuming that it falls within the 1.8-2.0 (A260/A280), I would say that I ended up with a pretty pure RNA sample, that was later used to generate it's cDNA which is more stable and can be used to measure gene expression.


The purpose of this lab is to show us how we can isolate RNA, and then use that sample to generate a copy of it's cDNA which will become very important when we are performing our own experiment. RNA is very unstable, and we can in turn use it's cDNA copy, which is far more stable, in order to analyze things such as gene expression and mutations. We can also run the cDNA through PCR, and examine a specific sequence of the gene that we are looking for.

October 1, 2013

DNA and RNA (initiation) isolation


RNA was isolated from a sample of Pacific oyster gill tissue using TriReagent, consisting of guanidine isothiocyanate, phenol and pH, in order to separate RNA from other cellular components. I then used DNAzol to isolate DNA from a sample of muscle tissue (Pacific), which was then quantified using the Nanodrop.

Materials and Methods:

RNA Extraction:

  1. Micropipettes (1-1000µL)
  2. sterile filter pipette tips (1-1000µL)
  3. Sterile (RNAase free) 1.5mL microcentrifuge tubes
  4. sterile disposable pestles
  5. vortex
  6. ice buckets
  7. TriReagent
  1. Label snap cap tube with tissue sample: 32g, Pac, DC, 10/01/13
  2. Add 500µL TriReagent to the sample, under the fume hood
  3. Carefully homogenize sample using sterile pestle
  4. After the sample is completely homogenized, vortex for15 seconds and store at -80C

DNA Isolation (DNAzol)

  1. Micropipettes (1-1000µL)
  2. sterile filter pipette tips (1-1000µL)
  3. Sterile 1.5mL microcentrifuge tubes
  4. sterile disposable pestles
  5. microcentrifuge tube rack
  6. microcentrifuge (room temperature)
  7. vortex
  8. DNAzol
  9. 100% ethanol
  10. 75% ethanol
  11. 0.1% DEPC water
  12. KimWipes
  13. Nanodrop

  1. Label snap cap tube containing sample: 82m, Oly, DC, 10/01/13 and store on ice
  2. Add 500µL of DNAzol to the sample and carefully homogenize using a sterile pestle
  3. Add an addition 500µL of DNAzol was then added to the sample and mix once more
  4. Let the sample incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes
  5. Then centrifuge the sample at 10,000 x g for 10 minutes
  6. Remove sample from centrifuge, and transfer supernatant to new tube labeled: super-DNA,DC
  7. Add 500µL of 100% ethanol to the 'super-DNA' sample, and invert the tube 5-8 times
  8. Spin the sample ('super-DNA) in the centrifuge at 10,000 x g for 2 minutes to form a DNA pellet
  9. Remove sample from centrifuge, and allow it to sit at room temperature for 1 minute
  10. Pipette out the lysate in the sample
  11. Wash the DNA with 1mL of 75% ethanol, invert test tube 5-6 times
  12. Allow sample to sit at room temperature for 1 minute
  13. Remove ethanol from the tube ('super-DNA')
  14. Repeat the ethanol wash once more (steps11-13)
  15. Remove trace amounts of ethanol left in the tube at the end of the second wash using a 20µL pipette
  16. Add 300 µL of 0.1% DEPC water to the DNA sample and pipette up and down multiple times to dissolve the pellet
  17. Bring the sample upstairs to the nanodrop

DNA Quantification:

  1. Pipette 2µL of the DNA sample ('super-DNA') onto the Nanodrop pedestal
  2. Lower the arm and click "Measure"
  3. Record the DNA concentration (µg/µL), A260/280 ratio and A260/230 ratio
  4. Raise the arm and wipe off the sample using a KimWipe
  5. Re-label test tube: DNA, 82m, Oly, DC, 10/01/13
  6. Store sample at -20C


A-260-10mm path: 3.236
A-280-10mm path: 1.742
DNA Quantification results: DNA concentration: 161.8µg/µL
A260/280: 1.86
A260/230: 1.08


Since purified DNA has an A260/A280 ratio range of 1.7-1.9, my results were as expected because I ended with a A260/A280 ratio of 1.86, which indicates good quality DNA extraction. Based on my results, if I were to continue using this sample I could run it through a gel after adding restriction enzymes to cut it. I could also use it to generate a primer in order to isolate a specific fragment of the DNA using PCR.


The purpose of this lab was to stress the importance of DNA and how everything revolves around it. We can use it to study how the environment influences the genes that are present in and organism, and use it to see how tings change over time. The procedures we used in lab this week were to provide us with skills regarding the isolation of DNA from a tissue sample. And we will then apply some of these skills when we isolate RNA from a different sample next week


Oly = Olympia oyster
Pac = Pacific oyster


Thromboxane synthase: TXA2 - to see how it's regulation could effect hemostasis.
F5 and mutations related to it