Please fill in the key concepts that you imagine/anticipate/desire to be on Exam 1.

Sept 29 Course Concepts Ch1

Define a positive feedback loop, and give a specific biological example.

Oct 1 The cellular environment (Molecular Physiology) (Lec 2) Ch2

The genes responsible for producing venom in the Cone Snail (genus Conus) mutate at a faster rate relative to the rest of the genome. Why do you think this is? How might the prey of the Cone Snail respond on a genetic level?

What are Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Name 1 of these molecules. What physiological process do they result from? What general class of molecules help limit ROS? Name 2 of these Anti-ROS molecules.

4 The cellular environment (Molecular Physiology) (Lec 2) Ch2

What is signal transduction? Describe in detail one pathway used in signal transduction.

6 Stress in the cellular environment (Membrane Physiology) (Lec 3) Ch3

Name two organelles and how they are involved in cellular stress response.

8 Fluid Balance (Osmoregulation) Lec 4

Describe 6 ways the osmotic balance can be disrupted.

11 When things go bad: Warming & Cooling (Thermal Physiology) Lec 5

Describe three ways in which organisms deal with extreme cold.

13 When things go bad: Warming; Discussion

15 When things go bad: No Oxygen (Respiratory Physiology) Lec 6

What is Fick's Law used to describe? Name two physiological processes that might be subject to Fick's Law.

Describe the evolutionary changes you expect to occur if organisms are subjected to an environment with low O2 levels.

18 When things go bad: Xenobiotic response Lec 7

What is bioaccumulation and how might it impact food webs?

How might increased nutrients in the water column benefit intertidal marine organisms? How might it be detrimental? What physiological responses might you expect to see in the community?