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Steven Roberts is a member of Biological Sciences on Mendeley.

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Refereed Publications (* indicates student author)

SB Roberts, I Sunila, GH Wikfors (2011) Immune response and mechanical stress susceptibility in diseased oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology. 1-8 (pdf)

Seeb, J. E., Carvalho, G., Hauser, L., Naish, K., Roberts, S. And Seeb, L. W (2011) Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery and applications of SNP genotyping in nonmodel organisms. Molecular Ecology Resources, 11: 1–8. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02979.x (pdf)

Seeb JE, Pascal CE, Graue ED, Seeb LW, Templin WD, Harkins T, Roberts SB. (2010) Transcriptome sequencing and high-resolution melt analysis advance single nucleotide polymorphism discovery in duplicated salmonids. Molecular Ecology Resources.

Gavery M* and Roberts SB. (2010) DNA methylation patterns provide insight into epigenetic regulation in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). BMC Genomics 11:483

Mathger L, Roberts SB, Hanlon R. (2010) Evidence for distributed light sensing in the skin of cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis. Biology Letters. online April 14, 2010, doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2010.0223 (pdf available)

Goetz F, Rosauer D, Sitar S, Goetz G, Simchick C, Roberts SB, Johnson R, Murphy C, Bronte C, Mackenzie S. (2010) A genetic basis for the phenotypic differentiation between siscowet and lean lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). Molecular Ecology, 19 176–196 (pdf available)

Defaveri J*, Smolowitz R, Roberts S (2009) Development and validation of a real-time quantitative PCR assay for the detection and quantification of //Perkinsus marinu//s in the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Shellfish Research. Vol. 28 No. 3 459-464 (pdf available)

Roberts SB, Goetz G, White S, Goetz F (2009) Analysis of genes isolated from plated hemocytes of the Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Marine Biotechnology. 11:24-44 (pdf available)

Roberts SB, Gueguen Y, de Lorgeril J, Goetz F. (2008) Rapid accumulation of an interleukin 17 homolog transcript in //Crassostrea gigas// hemocytes following bacterial exposure. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 32, 1099-1104 (pdf available)

Lyons MM*, Lau Y-T, Carden WE, Ward JE, Roberts SB, Smolowitz R, Vallino J, Allam B. (2007) Characteristics of marine aggregates in shallow-water ecosystems: Implications for disease ecology. EcoHealth 4, 406–420 (pdf available)

Hodgins-Davis A*, Roberts SB, Cowan D, Atema J, Avolio C, Defaveri J, Gerlach G. (2007) Characterization of SSRs from the American lobster, Homarus americanus. Molecular Ecology Notes. 7:330-332 (pdf available)

Rodgers BD, Roalson EH, Weber GM, Roberts SB, Goetz FW. (2007) A Proposed Nomenclature Consensus for the Myostatin Gene Family. AJP- Endocrinology and Metabolism. 292(2):E371-2 (pdf available)

Lyons MM*, Smolowitz R, Dungan C, Roberts SB. (2006) Development of a real-time quantitative PCR assay for the hard clam pathogen, Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX). 72(1):45-52
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Biga PR, Roberts SB, Iliev DB, McCauley LA, Moon JS, Collodi P, Goetz FW. (2005) The isolation,characterization,and expression of a novel GDF11 gene and a second myostatin form in zebrafish,Danio rerio.Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B:Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 141: 218-230 (pdf available)

Roberts SB, Romano C, Gerlach G. (2005) Characterization of EST derived SSRs from the bay scallop, Argopectens irradians. Molecular Ecology Notes. 5: 567-568 (pdf available)

Jentoft S, Topp N, Seeliger M, Malison JA, Barry TP, Held JA, Roberts SB, Goetz FW. (2005) Lack of growth enhancement by exogenous growth hormone treatment in yellow perch in four separate experiments.Aquaculture. 250:471-479
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Hollis DM, Goetz FW, Roberts SB, Boyd SK. (2004) Acute neurosteroid modulation and subunit isolation of the GABAa receptor in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. 32(3):921-34 (pdf available)

Biga PR, Cain KD, Hardy RW, Schelling GT, Overturf K, Roberts SB, Goetz FW, Ott TL. (2004) Growth hormone differentially regulates muscle myostatin1 and -2 and increases circulating cortisol in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). General and Comparative Endocrinology. Vol 138(1):32-41
*(need username and password for full text)

Roberts SB, McCauley LAR, Devlin RH, Goetz FW. (2004) Transgenic salmon over-expressing growth hormone exhibit decreased myostatin transcript and protein expression. Journal of Experimental Biology. 207(Pt 21):3741-8 (pdf available)

Kim H-W, Mykles DL, Goetz FW, Roberts SB. (2004) Characterization of an invertebrate myostatin homologue from the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians. BBA – Gene Structure and Expression. 1679(2):174-9 (pdf available)

Roberts SB, Barry T, Malison J, Goetz FW. (2004) Production of a recombinantly-derived growth hormone antibody and the characterization of growth hormone levels in yellow perch.Aquaculture. Vol. 232/1-4: 591-602 (pdf available)

Roberts SB, Goetz FW. (2003) Expressed sequence tag analysis of genes expressed in the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians. Biological Bulletin. 205: 227-228. (pdf available)

Roberts SB, Goetz FW. (2003) Myostatin protein and mRNA transcript levels in adult and developing brook trout. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 210 (1-2): 9-20. (pdf available)

Roberts SB, Goetz FW. (2001) Differential skeletal muscle expression of myostatin across teleost species, and the isolation of multiple myostatin isoforms.FEBS Letters. Vol 491, No. 3, pp. 212-216. (pdf available)

Roberts SB, Langenau DM, Goetz FW. (2000) Cloning and characterization of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase-1 and -2 from the brook trout ovary. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology.160(1-2):89-97.

Moser ML, Roberts SB. (2000) Effects of nonindigenous ictalurids and recreational electrofishing on the ictalurid community of the Cape Fear River drainage, North Carolina. in Catfish 2000: Proceedings of the International Ictalurid Symposium; ER Irwin, WA Hubert, CF Rabeni, HL Schramm, Jr., and T Coon, editors. Davenport, IA. June 23-25, 1998. pp 479-485.
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Roberts SB, Langenau DM, Goetz FW. (2000) Isolation through cloning of fish prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (cyclooxygenase) in Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish; B Norberg, OS Kjesbu, GL Taranger, E Andersson, and SO Stefansson, editors. Bergen, Norway. July 4-9, 1999. p 197.
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Langenau DM, Goetz FW, Roberts SB. (1999) The upregulation of messenger ribonucleic acids during 17a, 20b-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one-induced ovulation in the perch ovary. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. 23(2):137-52.
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Roberts SB, Jackson LF, King WK, Taylor RG, Grier HJ, Sullivan CV. (1999) Annual reproductive cycle of the common snook: Endocrine correlates of maturation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 128:426-445 (pdf available)

**Selected Non-refereed Publications

Roberts, SB (2008) USDA-NRAC Technical Report: "Development of genetic markers to assess disease resistance in the eastern oyster” 29 pages (pdf available)

Roberts SB (2005) New molecular techniques to detect nodavirus in Atlantic cod hatcheries. Global Aquaculture Advocate 8(2): 56-57

Roberts SB (2004) Lab Studies: Genes Involved with Growth, Development of Bay Scallops. Global Aquaculture Advocate. 7(3): 55-56
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Ettensohn K,* Biga PR, Romano C, Devlin RH, and Roberts SB. (2004) Genes Differentially Expressed in Growth Hormone Transgenic Salmon (Abstract). Biological Bulletin 2004 207: 168 (pdf available)

Roberts SB, Goetz FW. (2003) Genes involved with growth and development in the bay scallop (Extended Abstract) Proceedings of the 14th International Pectinid Workshop, April 23-29, St. Petersburg, FL, USA. Pg 137 (pdf available)

Moser ML, Bichy JB, Roberts, SB. (1998) Sturgeon distribution in North Carolina. Center for Marine Science Research, Wilmington, North Carolina. Final report to the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District. 88 pp.
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