Molecular Diagnostics including Microbial Community Ecology

November 3

Notes regarding brached DNA technology - via Dave @ NOAA
Basically like Western
Two types
Single Plex - probe on plate
Multi Plex - probes for different genes - each gene has a different size bead

For single all you need is plate reader, multi- flow cytometer

No extraction
RNA can be very small (degraded?)

Cost- (approx $1000 for 9 target plate)
Validating (multi)
Do not know exact info on probes

Papers to Discuss:
A novel epiphytic cyanobacterium associated with reservoirs affected by avian vacuolar myelinopathy
Harmful Algae 6 (2007) 343–353 Sarah K. Williams *, Jason Kempton , Susan B. Wilde , Alan Lewitus
Williams et al PCR probe for Stigo.pdf

Burreson 2008.pdf
Misuse of PCR assay for diagnosis of mollusc protistan infections
DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS Vol. 80: 81–83 (2008) Eugene M. Burreson (Lets discuss this one)- sr320 sr320 Oct 30, 2008
HEY! This was my paper! - lisa418 lisa418

@ John -- the papers you placed here should be for week7, I moved them - sr320 sr320 Oct 31, 2008

Berry and Sarre 2007.pdf
Gel-free species identification using melt-curve analysis
Molecular Ecology Notes (2007) 7, 1-4

Microbial Ecology Papers:

And a good review paper of Molecular Techniques for Microbe stuff:
Molecular Tech. in Microbial Ecol. - Review
Genotypic Microbial Community Profiling: A Critical
Technical Review (Microbial Ecology, Nocker, Burr, and Camper, (2007))

Cool Aquatic Animal Disease Links:
OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) Manual of Diagnostics Tests for Aquatic Animals - lisa418 lisa418

DNA-based Molecular Diagnostic Techniques: Research Needs for Standardization and Validation of the Detection of Aquatic Animal Pathogens and Diseases - lisa418 lisa418

Additional Papers on the topic:

Comparison of different quantitative gene expression platforms
Canales et al.pdf
Evaluation of DNA microarray results with quantitative gene expression platforms
Nature Biotechnology Vol. 24, No. 9, September 2006

Molecular diagnostics of infectious diseases
Clinical Chemistry 43:11 2021–2038 (1997) Yi-Wei Tang, Gary W. Procop, and David H. Persing
- lisa418 lisa418

This one looks really interesting too (on microbial ecology):
Human Microbiome.pdf
Evolution of Mammals and Their Gut Microbes (Science, 320:1627 (2008))

Here is the supplemental for the Science paper:
This is long, don't print it all out! Materials and Methods end on page 8 ...

Supplemental for Science paper.pdf

Density Gradient Gel Electrophoresis:
- JLTran JLTran

Good intro for those of us new to aquatic microbiology
Aquatic microbiology intro slides

- embed, embed, it is not that difficult :) - sr320 sr320 Nov 3, 2008

Images and Foods for Thought

Tree of Life (Bacteria, blue, Archaea, green, Eukayra, pink)

