Analysis has been performed on the samples taken at Dabob this past January. These results have been graphed and compared with the results from the previous December sampling of Dabob in an attempt to elucidate the differences between the populations at Dabob.

First we directly compared Size and Weight distributions throughout the populations at both time points.
AVG based on sizes of live samples collected
AVG based on sizes of live samples collected

AVG weight taken from live samples collected
AVG weight taken from live samples collected

After noting the differences and similarities between the two time points we then looked at the Percent Mortality.
external image PercMortDecJanDabob.jpg

Finally, there was an estimated amount of missing animals from the December sampling event. Now in January we have have done full counts and have a reliable number of missing. We compared the two to determine what could be happening in the trays.

December numbers from estimates
December numbers from estimates