WEBVTT 1 00:03:14.700 --> 00:03:15.270 This morning 2 00:03:32.880 --> 00:03:33.990 I mean, are you familiar with it. 3 00:03:38.430 --> 00:03:38.940 Leaving 4 00:03:42.780 --> 00:03:47.250 Insane. Yeah, I'll just say what on my computer shows 5 00:03:48.840 --> 00:03:50.430 Are markdowns like the Jupiter. 6 00:03:51.630 --> 00:03:55.830 Yes, it's has similar functionality. 7 00:03:59.910 --> 00:04:00.450 Dependent 8 00:04:03.120 --> 00:04:03.810 Maybe 9 00:04:10.410 --> 00:04:11.280 Maybe, maybe just to 10 00:04:14.880 --> 00:04:15.510 Doing 11 00:04:16.590 --> 00:04:19.440 Basic Mars would be good practice. 12 00:04:24.600 --> 00:04:25.980 Certain actually using it. 13 00:04:30.330 --> 00:04:42.240 As you want to kind of touch on the back to the idea of workflows and how do we manage our and get up and version control and she wants to people collaborate on are vigilant works library. 14 00:04:50.700 --> 00:04:53.220 So I guess maybe with going with this. 15 00:04:57.120 --> 00:04:57.630 Server. 16 00:05:02.760 --> 00:05:03.120 Sure. 17 00:05:07.290 --> 00:05:07.815 Sure. 18 00:05:18.660 --> 00:05:19.770 Not only calendar in the 19 00:05:23.820 --> 00:05:24.690 Studio server. 20 00:05:39.930 --> 00:05:52.440 IP address. So that's what I was talking about. I was trying to actually get a URL form, but for some reason. Yeah, I don't know if it's because their numbers but like I can't redirect. Some of my URL to it. 21 00:05:53.490 --> 00:05:54.210 That was interested 22 00:05:56.820 --> 00:06:05.190 In that was the other kind of reason. I was thinking memory yesterday with segment putting like resources down here, just another way for me to because I use as a law enforcement. 23 00:06:06.300 --> 00:06:07.140 Eventually, I'd like 24 00:06:09.630 --> 00:06:10.500 To do that. 25 00:06:13.290 --> 00:06:14.790 Wasn't ish 26 00:06:18.000 --> 00:06:18.945 Computing. 27 00:06:42.210 --> 00:06:44.340 desktop view first 28 00:06:45.630 --> 00:06:50.340 We talked about it. But then the Linux machines never worked. 29 00:06:53.790 --> 00:06:57.720 On this one here, we are coming and sitting, you know, I was using 30 00:07:01.140 --> 00:07:03.210 Internal not one screen sharing. Yeah. 31 00:07:09.600 --> 00:07:09.840 Yeah. 32 00:07:39.090 --> 00:07:53.370 Does an interesting option to or for screen sharing that I think this week, they're going to change something about privacy, like right now my links or I can, I can set a like Google Docs to anybody can see yet. 33 00:07:54.840 --> 00:07:58.380 But I recorded like this yesterday. 34 00:08:04.470 --> 00:08:07.860 What's good about this is it's what you'd have to boarded yeah 35 00:08:08.970 --> 00:08:09.420 And 36 00:08:13.710 --> 00:08:14.970 And it host on the cloud. 37 00:08:16.950 --> 00:08:24.540 Servers. Yeah, yeah, or some servers that are not so it and it's it's pretty cool. But I mean, if it was cool for lots of reasons, but 38 00:08:25.620 --> 00:08:36.000 Play with right now I'm doing I'm trying out as zoom. Now you can tell. So I'm recording now my screen to the cloud on zoom which which is another option. 39 00:08:37.320 --> 00:08:39.330 But I might traffic now so again today. 40 00:08:41.820 --> 00:08:52.320 Zoom is probably the lightest weight one I'm going to be my assumption. It's like, like there's not there's not in resource intense 41 00:08:58.470 --> 00:08:59.160 Options. 42 00:09:06.750 --> 00:09:09.630 Well, I'm doing a difference. And now I'm doing Apple TV so I'm 43 00:09:11.700 --> 00:09:13.350 Not I'm not plugging in. 44 00:09:57.390 --> 00:09:58.410 Good car stuff you 45 00:10:01.740 --> 00:10:03.750 Can just go to this set of course 46 00:10:05.070 --> 00:10:05.760 Our projects. 47 00:10:17.250 --> 00:10:18.390 I just don't use it. 48 00:10:22.860 --> 00:10:27.810 And I can, yeah. These you're saying I you made a trial that from the our server. 49 00:10:29.940 --> 00:10:30.210 Right. 50 00:10:39.030 --> 00:10:39.780 All right, let's 51 00:10:41.130 --> 00:11:01.680 Any other kind of stuff, wait for that for very anything else we can do. So I mean for the canonical stuff what I was thinking is that the genome, stop is just listed out in markdown text here is what my idea was to not get any more complicated than that. 52 00:11:03.570 --> 00:11:04.050 Yeah, I 53 00:11:07.035 --> 00:11:07.605 Mean 54 00:11:09.330 --> 00:11:11.910 Just as a first step, instead of 55 00:11:13.680 --> 00:11:15.270 Instead of going straight to a table. 56 00:11:25.575 --> 00:11:26.340 What else 57 00:11:28.020 --> 00:11:30.150 What is the best of our code session. 58 00:11:31.410 --> 00:11:39.180 This is probably just this was probably more of workflows me taking notes about capturing the workflow. So we can close this. 59 00:11:40.530 --> 00:11:41.160 LAST LAP me 60 00:11:42.390 --> 00:11:55.740 Getting that you know little snippet of code that wow it's not notebook post worthy like it's not your but it's worse post in and like the whatever we want to call what what are we calling it. Yeah. 61 00:11:56.610 --> 00:12:03.420 Yeah, something like that. So going on this Wordpress thing. I mean, so, you know, capturing it here. I think will be that. Yeah. 62 00:12:04.440 --> 00:12:13.350 Just differently. And I think we decided, I mean I think right now. I mean, there's several ways to do it. And to test that this week like while we're doing it. 63 00:12:15.330 --> 00:12:32.580 Again, like if you, you know, you can just send me your seven you had this interface. If you just cut pay post mean that's pretty simple to. That's why it's up like that and I played I did, and it's not perfect. Now, but you can at least see the notebook posts and the timeline. 64 00:12:33.630 --> 00:12:48.300 And then you can also, if you want to see other stuff. You can see it or if you just want to see the most recent just want to see what some labels is really easy as hacks to kind of deal with yesterday. 65 00:12:49.470 --> 00:12:51.240 Here. Yeah. Can we actually 66 00:12:54.240 --> 00:12:55.980 Wanted to see the plot. 67 00:12:58.380 --> 00:12:58.560 Yeah. 68 00:13:02.790 --> 00:13:06.630 Yeah, so it's right here, see it. Yeah. 69 00:13:08.100 --> 00:13:12.210 He goes to her activity theater where she's calling her blog. 70 00:13:13.770 --> 00:13:15.090 So it looks like 71 00:13:16.890 --> 00:13:20.190 So it looks like she posted this 72 00:13:22.410 --> 00:13:27.990 If I did if if she did it right. He emailed this yesterday in her notes from yesterday. Let's caption there. 73 00:13:29.490 --> 00:13:29.940 So, 74 00:13:32.520 --> 00:13:37.440 Yeah, so that was just a pull request I did yesterday on her. So if you want to check to see what the edit was 75 00:13:41.550 --> 00:13:47.400 That's what I'll do is I'll put some kind of link there and just get my get my stuff. 76 00:14:00.030 --> 00:14:03.450 You can also you can also just kind of 77 00:14:05.490 --> 00:14:06.030 Mark let's 78 00:14:07.980 --> 00:14:10.410 If you just want to post something quick to to the 79 00:14:14.730 --> 00:14:21.240 King closer to itself, but you know, it's kind of create something like there's a post 80 00:14:22.410 --> 00:14:25.320 So that's really quick bookmark light work has had 81 00:14:34.470 --> 00:14:35.310 Us say 82 00:14:46.440 --> 00:14:48.000 Do you add tags categories. 83 00:14:49.080 --> 00:14:55.230 Yeah, that's, I don't think so. I don't think so. I think I was playing around with it yesterday. 84 00:14:56.910 --> 00:15:00.570 And it's meant to be so lightweight that you that you that you Kate. 85 00:15:04.200 --> 00:15:06.630 So I think what I was doing yesterday is 86 00:15:13.740 --> 00:15:15.000 Good tolls be wrong. 87 00:15:44.460 --> 00:15:47.340 Know, yes. Yeah. Cuz I had the same thought yesterday. 88 00:16:33.810 --> 00:16:34.830 Categorized 89 00:17:35.190 --> 00:17:35.610 Are we can 90 00:17:36.660 --> 00:17:39.150 Close. Close enough have improved jackal notebooks, you 91 00:17:50.640 --> 00:17:51.690 Improve mind. 92 00:17:53.670 --> 00:17:54.720 Which way you're going 93 00:18:25.410 --> 00:18:27.270 Yeah, so it is mounted at eagle. 94 00:18:29.790 --> 00:18:31.350 And then just serves that file. 95 00:18:34.020 --> 00:18:34.950 Will come soon. 96 00:19:14.370 --> 00:19:19.770 Our servers that the URL is here. So we'll get them. 97 00:19:22.800 --> 00:19:25.080 Which one should I doesn't matter which one you want to use. 98 00:19:27.540 --> 00:19:32.310 What is the first user getting raises a blow your mind. 99 00:19:36.570 --> 00:19:38.250 So this is based on 100 00:19:40.470 --> 00:19:44.940 Your credentials for logging into 101 00:19:46.440 --> 00:19:52.530 Whatever they computer in Sam's tied it to that. So what are you in Roadrunner all our CPU. 102 00:19:53.670 --> 00:19:58.080 So that. So this is what it is to server because it 103 00:20:00.510 --> 00:20:00.780 Was 104 00:20:01.890 --> 00:20:02.400 Just 105 00:20:03.540 --> 00:20:06.960 So if you want to run run a big job. I think we tested this last week. 106 00:20:09.270 --> 00:20:15.300 You know you can close it. Your, your web browser. And it's so running and then you go back in and it's really yeah 107 00:20:17.160 --> 00:20:17.490 Yeah. 108 00:20:18.960 --> 00:20:19.440 Your laptop. 109 00:20:21.360 --> 00:20:25.590 Or your like getting ready to run smarter in my office space. 110 00:20:27.630 --> 00:20:27.930 Finished. 111 00:20:30.990 --> 00:20:32.610 Browser down keeps running 112 00:20:36.180 --> 00:20:40.380 So what have you seen server as opposed 113 00:20:43.110 --> 00:20:43.980 To the remote logging. 114 00:20:47.070 --> 00:20:49.470 Well yeah, I mean, to me it's, yeah. To me, it's less clicks. 115 00:20:51.240 --> 00:21:07.890 And then this stuff, save on the computer. Yeah, I mean you I'm basically control. I mean, this is basically Remote Desktop. It's just, you're just accessing our studio. That's, that's really all it is. Right. I mean, this is, I don't know if we go login as root. Look at the waves. 116 00:21:09.240 --> 00:21:11.760 I doubt it. I doubt it, too. Right. 117 00:21:16.380 --> 00:21:26.520 So is it. So yeah, so this is what it opens. I'm assuming it's just like our studio at point opens up what was on last so I could do a couple of things. I mean, I could 118 00:21:27.930 --> 00:21:29.910 I could start I could 119 00:21:34.140 --> 00:21:37.380 Guess the way that teaching the data carpentry. Let's say if we were doing a 120 00:21:58.740 --> 00:22:02.910 Create a hack week project and make it public initialize with read me 121 00:22:04.860 --> 00:22:05.490 Great. 122 00:22:06.990 --> 00:22:12.780 For positive repository. There it is. I'll click copy this link. 123 00:22:14.850 --> 00:22:16.260 To our studio tab. 124 00:22:17.970 --> 00:22:18.960 File. 125 00:22:20.640 --> 00:22:26.880 New Project and then and then version control get 126 00:22:27.900 --> 00:22:30.330 URL that I have in my clipboard. 127 00:22:32.610 --> 00:22:39.480 He believed it project directory name empty and it just calls it the same thing. That's what I like to do, because this isn't 128 00:22:41.430 --> 00:22:43.470 That something separate that's not me. 129 00:22:46.290 --> 00:22:53.610 This is basically creating an art project repository. Yeah, just so I can start either place, but this is how 130 00:23:06.045 --> 00:23:07.500 To create a project. 131 00:23:16.740 --> 00:23:19.800 And so we are so it has the readme file that I created. 132 00:23:21.630 --> 00:23:24.030 And then it creates the our project. Wow. 133 00:23:25.230 --> 00:23:27.300 There you go. So that's how it starts. 134 00:23:32.610 --> 00:23:34.740 In terms of our markdown 135 00:23:37.500 --> 00:23:38.730 Do or markdown 136 00:23:43.170 --> 00:23:43.830 File. 137 00:24:02.820 --> 00:24:03.450 Alright. 138 00:24:05.340 --> 00:24:12.840 It recognizes that I need to do all these Nick I must have randomly pick the other server last time is I think I did this last time. 139 00:24:15.960 --> 00:24:16.290 Yeah. 140 00:24:34.710 --> 00:24:35.580 on one machine. 141 00:24:37.980 --> 00:24:39.240 Give it a shot. That's why we're here. 142 00:24:45.060 --> 00:24:47.940 That 14967 810 minutes 143 00:25:26.280 --> 00:25:26.760 User 144 00:25:32.250 --> 00:25:39.300 Which computer I can. How do we know that. Should we do it log in on the command line and see how many features. I figured it out. 145 00:25:41.880 --> 00:25:42.120 Yeah. 146 00:25:44.880 --> 00:25:49.020 Okay, so your screen. Doesn't look like this. No, my screen looks like just 147 00:25:50.280 --> 00:25:50.550 Like 148 00:25:53.430 --> 00:25:53.730 And this 149 00:25:54.990 --> 00:25:55.740 Is your 150 00:25:57.090 --> 00:26:11.670 motive was like okay I'm repo establish new project stuff that that must immediately or did you. No, no, no. I've tried to create a new are markdown file. So as soon as I said you create an or Mark I bought 151 00:26:22.020 --> 00:26:24.555 This is weary and this is the a really over i mean 152 00:26:25.620 --> 00:26:26.910 Never came up in class. 153 00:26:43.980 --> 00:26:44.340 Page. 154 00:26:47.400 --> 00:26:50.010 I am downloading all these packages. 155 00:26:54.180 --> 00:27:13.260 So this is the easiest thing is if they can create any any in class. We just did HTML. And this creates some accuracy new packages. We didn't presentations in class to with this but document is what you want. You want to name it HTML versus 156 00:27:14.550 --> 00:27:17.340 It's easier to it's easier to render and view. 157 00:27:18.540 --> 00:27:33.090 What we can do both. If it looked at it if it works. So when you create a are markdown file it even though I titled it, it gets the title here, but it's still the files, not saved. So I still want to go in and say that 158 00:27:35.190 --> 00:27:41.580 I still want to go in and sit and save as or do File, Save As. And then, you know, I'm going to always, you know, 159 00:27:42.720 --> 00:27:49.080 directory structure. I mean, I'm going to have a Data Folder Analysis folder. Most of the time, depending 160 00:27:50.190 --> 00:27:50.910 Oh, no. 161 00:27:56.430 --> 00:28:07.350 Scripts is what I would call this, but so sometimes in class. I just call it our markdown depending on what I want to do for but general app. I call it scripts. Where do you how do you organize your stuff. 162 00:28:10.680 --> 00:28:11.670 I usually 163 00:28:14.520 --> 00:28:25.800 Like our scripts that I use for certain analogies in and analysis folder does not have already, but the analysis. So like I have like analysis folder and data folder, a script folder. 164 00:28:26.490 --> 00:28:38.820 Groups are things I used for like multiple things and then like if I'm doing a specific analysis with our scripts that I think title of a new analysis folder that they say that the data is a 165 00:28:40.200 --> 00:28:46.290 Subset blah blah blah, and then add to our shirt in there so that way. No, anything that's not folder. 166 00:28:55.110 --> 00:29:08.460 Now I've got a file in there. I've saved it in it pre populates is is some pretty helpful just texted show you about our markdown with the cars example. But the other cool thing now because now we're looking good. 167 00:29:09.510 --> 00:29:22.740 And it's it tracking everything you have in there so you the way. Now we've created what are created our project file I faded our mark alcohol. So now what I want to do is commit these just like you would 168 00:29:28.530 --> 00:29:29.490 However, you do it. 169 00:29:30.990 --> 00:29:33.420 It's that so now now committed it. 170 00:29:34.470 --> 00:29:39.390 And it's got a bunch of cool features. Just like if you use desktops and look at things. So those 171 00:30:01.980 --> 00:30:07.770 Error. I just ignore, but this is what happens with will Sam saw this in class. 172 00:30:09.750 --> 00:30:17.700 I've never dealt with before, so I won't commit because I need to go to the command line now. Yeah. And so you have to run those commands. 173 00:30:19.980 --> 00:30:27.480 usury now. So this is one at about using the share as our lab with 174 00:30:30.480 --> 00:30:32.430 Anybody else that comes later a few 175 00:30:34.830 --> 00:30:36.810 Minutes or 10 associated with them. 176 00:30:39.420 --> 00:30:40.230 Are with you. 177 00:30:44.280 --> 00:30:44.700 So, let 178 00:30:45.840 --> 00:30:47.100 me start over there and 179 00:30:51.420 --> 00:30:54.240 Just for just to test this out, too. So I'm a close is 180 00:30:55.845 --> 00:30:57.600 This is a browser window right 181 00:31:03.510 --> 00:31:05.580 Well, we're not sure that I have an account right 182 00:31:43.530 --> 00:31:45.450 My Passport manager and 183 00:31:49.095 --> 00:31:51.120 I don't know if this is even. Yes, it must be me. 184 00:31:53.370 --> 00:31:59.910 Okay, so now blog in any and it says the top right. That's pretty cool. So it says, Stephen. And that's what I'm locked in. 185 00:32:01.050 --> 00:32:01.440 And 186 00:32:03.570 --> 00:32:05.070 So now I'm going to do file. 187 00:32:06.540 --> 00:32:15.690 New Project version control get wait my password was that thing I saved earlier in my I 188 00:32:17.850 --> 00:32:19.530 Mean my support manager. 189 00:32:26.550 --> 00:32:28.500 Doesn't appear to be so why wouldn't be 190 00:32:30.210 --> 00:32:31.890 Earlier. Remember when I remember when 191 00:32:34.770 --> 00:32:35.190 This 192 00:33:03.930 --> 00:33:04.110 So, 193 00:33:05.250 --> 00:33:07.920 This will be interesting test too. So now to fall. 194 00:33:13.950 --> 00:33:14.880 Down. 195 00:33:57.570 --> 00:33:57.930 Sure. 196 00:34:11.070 --> 00:34:12.630 There's probably a setting somewhere to change. 197 00:34:26.550 --> 00:34:28.680 Just starting out with like our studio 198 00:34:30.150 --> 00:34:31.980 Set up a project and get home. 199 00:34:54.480 --> 00:34:55.140 I can do. 200 00:34:57.630 --> 00:34:59.670 Is I can open it up locally. 201 00:35:05.400 --> 00:35:06.600 Show you some features. 202 00:35:07.980 --> 00:35:09.750 So for example, this is 203 00:35:13.110 --> 00:35:15.210 Kind of the craft stuff with braces. 204 00:35:19.080 --> 00:35:19.410 Such as 205 00:35:23.100 --> 00:35:23.520 Much 206 00:35:33.120 --> 00:35:34.860 So, for example, 207 00:35:39.000 --> 00:35:40.380 Our markdown file. 208 00:35:43.980 --> 00:36:02.280 Just play markdown so situation. There's a lot of areas files and add combined. And so you can use. So then, I've just inputted image just using markdown there's other ways you can do it too within, within our packages that you can use, use markdown so I just 209 00:36:03.540 --> 00:36:12.510 Like we were talking about yesterday. If you look, I created a sub directory in there and that put the image in the Reaper in Project, which happens to be the repo. 210 00:36:23.460 --> 00:36:29.160 And see now what as soon as I soon as I say this file, it shows up here and the under the get 211 00:36:30.690 --> 00:36:34.770 Tab. And so I want to make a commit to that to network. 212 00:36:37.110 --> 00:36:39.000 And it shows you the difference and so 213 00:36:40.320 --> 00:37:00.840 So question. Yes. If I had both our studio gear and Github destocking yeah with the commits only like they they talk to each other. They tell each other so I can like go from other places as well. Well, that's why we're here. Let's Let's Let's test that. But here's here's get up desktop. 214 00:37:12.585 --> 00:37:13.860 Doesn't appear 215 00:37:15.870 --> 00:37:16.440 Year. 216 00:37:18.120 --> 00:37:19.710 Yes, this is the wrong project. 217 00:37:25.410 --> 00:37:29.490 I don't have. I don't have that particular removed. 218 00:37:30.840 --> 00:37:32.430 In this in this year. 219 00:37:40.170 --> 00:37:44.340 Yeah, you definitely can invoke bedsheet but like real time. 220 00:37:46.230 --> 00:37:46.920 Real time 221 00:38:20.400 --> 00:38:20.700 Just 222 00:38:43.980 --> 00:38:50.340 Here's an interesting thing. So I've called it is called it is on my computer because our initially did it in our 223 00:38:51.780 --> 00:38:52.830 So, 224 00:38:57.180 --> 00:39:01.290 That's why it knows it's already there. And this is where organization becomes important. 225 00:39:02.550 --> 00:39:05.640 Mean, like for example, all of mine. 226 00:39:06.780 --> 00:39:09.660 Okay, so, so there. So there it is. 227 00:39:10.950 --> 00:39:15.210 So this is the stuff I just wrote right right below. 228 00:39:17.400 --> 00:39:18.990 And we'll go back to, um, 229 00:39:20.670 --> 00:39:22.290 Here I'm going to add the text. 230 00:39:23.550 --> 00:39:26.340 Again, this is locally and going to commit it. 231 00:39:27.510 --> 00:39:28.200 Was it 232 00:39:31.140 --> 00:39:37.020 Just for fun. Now it's shown down here is committed. So it's, it's, you know, it's 233 00:39:38.490 --> 00:39:41.310 Just so I could push it for me to place really 234 00:39:42.570 --> 00:39:43.560 Push it from here. 235 00:39:45.270 --> 00:39:46.500 And so this pushed 236 00:39:48.450 --> 00:39:53.130 This pushed than my edits locally to get up. 237 00:39:55.380 --> 00:40:06.270 Okay, so in so I'll just go ahead and knit here while I'm here, but I'll show us more stuff. So this is our team run are and what they coach coble code blocks. 238 00:40:07.410 --> 00:40:14.070 And really all you need is the are and then this this this little off. These are called options. 239 00:40:16.410 --> 00:40:22.890 Really say whether it's going to show up in the final document or not. So if you're if you're not producing another document. It's not super critical 240 00:40:24.510 --> 00:40:40.140 So this should look familiar. I'm loading a library and just reading in a CSV file again. I'm using a relative path that's in my directory and calling it this citizens, all you would need. Okay, so if I just wanted to run this chunk. I would just hit 241 00:40:42.660 --> 00:40:54.360 There. All right. And so now I've loaded that. And now if I just want to run this command. I just said that. But I just want to run this command which is just the name of the file. 242 00:40:55.740 --> 00:41:06.480 And use it as is probably a little bit prettier than you would in our, in our script. Yeah. All right. So just the main thing is you have to put the curly brackets and are at the top. Before you do any sort of. Yep. 243 00:41:07.500 --> 00:41:09.390 That that allows you to 244 00:41:11.970 --> 00:41:23.910 It is like, it's like the same thing as like putting like yeah percent percent bash. Yeah. And you could do it from up here too. So insert this is what's great too, is what I like about it, you can answer bash 245 00:41:26.040 --> 00:41:28.380 And so, you know, I could get the 246 00:41:29.460 --> 00:41:30.990 Wer on and 247 00:41:32.220 --> 00:41:34.770 Every day, so it's all interchangeable and again 248 00:41:36.060 --> 00:41:41.820 Is it. There's probably a shortcut here or you could just type it missing, but you just hit enter our than I do. 249 00:41:43.290 --> 00:41:46.920 So if you could run Bash from our markdown what 250 00:41:48.540 --> 00:42:04.350 Is it better to use Jupiter notebooks and then do are in Jupiter or do dash and our mark. Why, no, I can't figure out a way to do or an orange it very easily. I actually spent some time this weekend, looking at the blogs image super hard. I mean, I can't believe it's at 251 00:42:06.030 --> 00:42:15.570 Yeah, like I said, I've got it to work on one of my computers and I don't know how, but even in the some of the reasons stuck in all you, all you need to, if it module. All you gotta do is type 252 00:42:16.860 --> 00:42:17.400 I got nothing. 253 00:42:19.140 --> 00:42:20.610 I didn't start all kinds of along 254 00:42:37.980 --> 00:42:42.120 To install something to allow her to have worked in 255 00:42:44.970 --> 00:42:45.750 Yes, yes. 256 00:42:47.400 --> 00:42:48.630 You did like the 257 00:42:49.680 --> 00:42:50.340 Aardvark. 258 00:42:51.570 --> 00:42:55.380 Told me to install packages and then 259 00:43:01.710 --> 00:43:03.900 title to the creative file. 260 00:43:07.290 --> 00:43:07.620 Oh, 261 00:43:09.780 --> 00:43:10.170 OK. 262 00:43:49.980 --> 00:43:52.320 In the back end it'll be a little bit there will be a little bit 263 00:43:54.720 --> 00:43:58.440 And the nit, but to me only pressed up 264 00:43:59.610 --> 00:44:00.540 He's keeping it in 265 00:44:25.980 --> 00:44:29.880 I'm still my local our studio version where I showed you all that kind of stuff. 266 00:44:31.410 --> 00:44:35.370 So, so what what knit does 267 00:44:36.810 --> 00:44:39.330 If you just sit near it kind of it. 268 00:44:42.480 --> 00:44:43.020 isn't doing 269 00:44:45.150 --> 00:44:51.780 It creates this document, which is an HTML file. So it and it runs the code to 270 00:44:53.160 --> 00:44:57.840 Sometimes it can take a long time. But there's what you can set options where you cash it too. If you're like, 271 00:45:00.105 --> 00:45:01.320 This is what it looks like. 272 00:45:02.910 --> 00:45:05.400 So you take this and make this nice HTML. 273 00:45:07.290 --> 00:45:22.260 Or it makes it. I will say he makes this nice. Okay, so that's kind of what it looks like and you know you can look at it. That's what it looks like in a browser that's way too small, but the HTML file. 274 00:45:27.630 --> 00:45:28.650 So, 275 00:45:30.090 --> 00:45:40.560 And then, what it does is it by default it automatically puts the HTML file in the same director is the markdown so now created a an HTML. 276 00:45:42.360 --> 00:45:42.870 Okay. 277 00:45:44.910 --> 00:45:46.080 So, uh, you know, made 278 00:45:47.730 --> 00:45:55.710 So just keep it will just keep writing to that will give you a link that you know that's where it becomes a little bit harder. 279 00:45:56.850 --> 00:46:02.400 It was just for fun. Now let's just see what happens. And, well, now let's knit it to a PDF 280 00:46:09.600 --> 00:46:15.360 And so there's some kind of area here. I need to install some packages which I haven't done 281 00:46:53.700 --> 00:46:55.890 Should be pushed and I'm going to go 282 00:46:57.030 --> 00:46:58.590 To a particular 283 00:47:03.870 --> 00:47:04.650 depository. 284 00:47:36.030 --> 00:47:38.070 This is the thing I just, this is the repo and 285 00:47:39.870 --> 00:47:48.660 They see that text, one is the one I dish dead. Where's my HTML. So this is so the one hour, which is showing yours is creating the master. 286 00:47:49.380 --> 00:48:05.700 So this is our markdown file. So it you know it renders more you know it renders markdown so that's what it looks like in our mark challenges which is manageable and it actually key, you know, remember this from the Jackal uses built on check Otter user as a little header thing. 287 00:48:07.620 --> 00:48:09.060 Here's the HTML. 288 00:48:13.500 --> 00:48:19.320 Okay, so this is what often will happen. So in the nice thing of busy. The One advantage of Jupiter is not, it's not going to kill you. 289 00:48:21.540 --> 00:48:23.430 But this is even worse than normal. 290 00:48:24.540 --> 00:48:32.010 But in you. Can I do have a little bookmark that where I can, I can review it the HTML. And so you can see it like that. 291 00:48:33.630 --> 00:48:36.210 So that's just their previous HTML, but 292 00:48:44.460 --> 00:48:45.480 San Jose, there's 293 00:48:46.560 --> 00:48:53.250 Still fine, it's just one click. But, you know, there's a web server that that prefixes this URL with 294 00:48:56.010 --> 00:48:57.240 HTML preview. 295 00:48:59.880 --> 00:49:09.210 So you can see it just one extra click. So if you want to call that a disadvantage. It doesn't it, you don't get a render HTML. But does that even matter because 296 00:49:10.620 --> 00:49:13.830 The there are markdown does render automatically and 297 00:49:15.750 --> 00:49:16.800 In code. 298 00:49:19.560 --> 00:49:20.970 So just, you know, 299 00:49:23.280 --> 00:49:27.630 Not in but it but if you were to install the tactic is to make a PDF, you would 300 00:49:29.610 --> 00:49:30.630 Because, you know, 301 00:49:31.980 --> 00:49:34.740 It renders pdfs should renters pdfs fine. 302 00:49:37.290 --> 00:49:45.840 So I guess he because you have because I can't run our and into Twitter right now. I always say this definitely has advantages. 303 00:49:47.880 --> 00:49:56.220 Because you can also do something like similar to Jupiter where you on. No, you just run all the sales. Well, they don't call themselves but you run out the chance 304 00:49:57.840 --> 00:49:59.160 To create another one. 305 00:50:14.040 --> 00:50:15.540 But you know, I could do 306 00:50:17.850 --> 00:50:22.560 One of the current Sean wants to like the lines run all chunks below. 307 00:50:35.850 --> 00:50:45.960 Is it better if you were if I'm using our is it better to just start off with an our script and then once I figure everything out to make that a nice or Martin document or does it 308 00:50:46.680 --> 00:50:54.000 Should I just like our in our markdown all the time. I just do our I'm working all the time because essentially, you mean 309 00:50:55.650 --> 00:50:59.490 The only downside is you have to, you have to insert chunks. 310 00:51:01.230 --> 00:51:09.930 Okay. And in theory, if you want. Doesn't matter. I mean, you could just, just not close the john is rewrite everything in one chunk. If you wanted to that. 311 00:51:10.440 --> 00:51:20.430 And just run one line at a time. So if you could almost treat it like a script. It just allows you to. Yeah, I don't know, it's just a preference thing so 312 00:51:22.140 --> 00:51:30.000 And get in the habit of just using our Markdown, I mean you can comment in an order script, but you'd have a little more flexibility normark down 313 00:51:36.090 --> 00:51:47.850 So yeah, but I mean how we taught it in class was, you know, first we made an our script and then you then you wish to get your kid. How do we make this into the markdown and then you can see the differences 314 00:52:06.780 --> 00:52:09.450 Getting is that Stephen is doing this. 315 00:52:10.470 --> 00:52:11.730 Our studio server. 316 00:52:15.360 --> 00:52:16.260 Good right get back to that. 317 00:52:17.670 --> 00:52:20.460 So he was actually running our studio 318 00:52:32.040 --> 00:52:51.450 So we'll probably get buildings dramatic and two of the advantages to using our studio server that's running on those computers that you can run stuff here and still running, close your browser or closer laptop and all the stuff continues to run computers there. 319 00:52:53.340 --> 00:52:58.110 So job, you have to sit. We were deficient food. Shut up. 320 00:52:59.130 --> 00:53:05.460 And then the other advantages that getting massive jobs as computers are more powerful. 321 00:53:07.980 --> 00:53:10.560 laptops to sell things should one 322 00:53:18.750 --> 00:53:26.550 Alright, so this is the server went off of that because I was in soften the same stops and now create a new markdown file. 323 00:53:32.820 --> 00:53:34.590 As far as I'm listening. 324 00:53:37.050 --> 00:53:38.340 Because I know it's there. 325 00:53:39.600 --> 00:53:40.200 Is 326 00:54:01.980 --> 00:54:02.580 Instead of 327 00:54:05.430 --> 00:54:13.920 HTML. So really, all you have to do is that to hash tags or whatever you want to call them makes the title and then you can just use markdown 328 00:54:14.970 --> 00:54:19.500 To this look very similar, right, shady before but and then also the code. So you can run code. 329 00:54:36.825 --> 00:54:37.710 Slides. 330 00:54:49.260 --> 00:54:53.850 You can show the code or not. So this is the cable package and net or that makes tables prettier. 331 00:55:00.180 --> 00:55:07.770 So, and then was reading in a file and showing it then with the nether table, but you can actually just wrap everything with neither cable and one line. 332 00:55:09.090 --> 00:55:20.550 And this is some of the code, we developed for, you know, this is Pam's email about, you know, it's easy right make sense. So how you would meet us the mutate thing to say FL. 333 00:55:21.240 --> 00:55:32.670 This day 37 or 38 or 37th or eighth day 26 and it's those other ones. It's, it's that. And then I totally class, then I made another one that if it's not either of those. Make it unknown. 334 00:55:33.060 --> 00:55:39.930 Therefore you catch any kind of data entry problems if if there was something that actually wasn't one of those 335 00:55:41.670 --> 00:55:45.120 Yeah, we can figure that out in class. I mean, there is some there is some 336 00:55:46.380 --> 00:55:52.590 There are some options you can put in the beginning of another document to like wrap. I think or adjust with 337 00:55:54.360 --> 00:55:59.070 But it next to try it myself. And I didn't even looked at their projects. Yes, that was the only 338 00:56:00.090 --> 00:56:05.670 Should be a way to do it, but I haven't figured it out. So with with the Kobe. Just keep writing it. 339 00:56:06.900 --> 00:56:09.810 Pointing out and then the tables and there wasn't a big issue. 340 00:56:10.470 --> 00:56:18.990 It doesn't show the old tables. We talked about Lloyd class. But, I mean, it's like, well, if you make it, you can show it all, or if there's 100 columns. And what's the point. So, you know, 341 00:56:19.560 --> 00:56:30.840 Think about what you want to show and because I mean really, realistically, if you were showing that says larger you want a much smaller just just select the columns you want to do. But here's an example where I just put knitter cable around a simple 342 00:56:31.920 --> 00:56:36.030 You know data table piped into group, type, type it into a spread 343 00:56:39.210 --> 00:56:40.470 And then it's just a bunch of 344 00:56:41.940 --> 00:56:42.750 An initial on it. 345 00:56:53.970 --> 00:56:56.010 So it's very so you can use it. 346 00:56:58.230 --> 00:56:59.280 If you think about like a GG 347 00:57:00.570 --> 00:57:04.080 Apply. You know, you can write the code here. You can actually just say 348 00:57:05.190 --> 00:57:06.240 I forget which one of these 349 00:57:07.290 --> 00:57:19.440 Hidden but you just put like echo false or America but include false is the option and it doesn't show you all the code for the figure, but actually chose to figure on the slide. And if you want to change it. You just go back and change the 350 00:57:20.700 --> 00:57:29.340 In one document as opposed to, I don't believe it or not, it would make figures otherwise get back to excel and cut and paste again. So it'd be it's really easy update 351 00:57:31.890 --> 00:57:38.370 All right. Where was that so so okay anyway here's. So now back on the server. So I created a new markdown file and then 352 00:57:40.980 --> 00:57:47.610 And this is, you know, as I mentioned before, pre populated with fun stuff. And then so you could just this 353 00:57:50.400 --> 00:57:53.610 In it does that, because I haven't seen. I haven't saved that failure. 354 00:58:04.320 --> 00:58:04.830 Max. 355 00:58:15.180 --> 00:58:26.400 So this is an interesting with the server, but it should be this way around it. So now this isn't a surfer thing, it's a it's a pop up blocker thing which is related to amusing remotely. 356 00:58:58.800 --> 00:58:59.550 markdown 357 00:59:02.280 --> 00:59:02.550 Yeah. 358 00:59:05.070 --> 00:59:07.020 And I think with the server, you'd want to 359 00:59:08.760 --> 00:59:09.990 Again, so this is many 360 00:59:12.990 --> 00:59:14.280 Times and stuff so 361 00:59:18.570 --> 00:59:22.770 I'm running with code here. You can also use these options here too. 362 00:59:23.970 --> 00:59:24.330 Is 363 00:59:28.080 --> 00:59:29.850 To look at what the options are. 364 00:59:33.900 --> 00:59:35.430 Going to save this file. 365 00:59:36.630 --> 00:59:41.730 And then I'm going to get everything I just showed you just there is going to show up. 366 00:59:44.100 --> 00:59:45.270 Commit this 367 00:59:55.710 --> 00:59:59.190 Now we're back to the original poem that everybody will have 368 01:00:01.080 --> 01:00:11.820 This is my first time logging in and our studio server only move it doesn't know who I am. Okay. And so I have to run this one's 369 01:00:12.840 --> 01:00:14.250 Just Sam had a wide 370 01:00:16.890 --> 01:00:17.310 So, 371 01:00:19.530 --> 01:00:26.850 Yeah, I mean, Stephen. Yeah, so I think yes, you see that here. Yeah, so you will have to SSH. 372 01:00:28.530 --> 01:00:29.520 Okay, now what what 373 01:00:32.790 --> 01:00:34.980 Would that work ethic so clean trials. 374 01:00:41.010 --> 01:00:42.810 Yeah, so the instructions they provide you 375 01:00:44.820 --> 01:00:52.260 So you just copy and paste it can be. You can copy the whole thing and then inside it defaults to Jerome email address. 376 01:01:00.360 --> 01:01:01.680 The email address is 377 01:01:08.970 --> 01:01:10.680 Just both so now hit Enter. Yes. 378 01:01:11.760 --> 01:01:17.910 Copy and paste the country does it do I have to be in the project or just any. It doesn't matter. And then then to them. 379 01:01:20.040 --> 01:01:29.070 Oh, so this is just, yeah. It has nothing to do with permissions. We tested with commissions, because I can never commit if just some random Joe type this in. Right. 380 01:01:35.460 --> 01:01:35.880 Right. 381 01:01:36.900 --> 01:01:39.360 I mean, I can just fit or anything, just 382 01:02:09.750 --> 01:02:12.480 It from there. What do you, what is execute show coming 383 01:02:13.500 --> 01:02:17.610 Over how you access to from at again. It was just down here. 384 01:02:18.660 --> 01:02:19.620 There's actually a tab. 385 01:02:20.880 --> 01:02:25.260 Which it is any any our studio. It looks like, no way. I'm sorry, let me get 386 01:02:26.310 --> 01:02:34.020 Look at this, so it doesn't show up. It's a special tab. It's only in our studio server because now our studio 387 01:02:36.990 --> 01:02:39.360 Right, yeah, I see it. 388 01:02:44.070 --> 01:02:46.140 Though there's probably an option test. April. 389 01:02:47.460 --> 01:02:55.170 Okay, so now I'm on the server. Remember, this is really a new I've made some changes I've committed them. I can push them. 390 01:02:56.190 --> 01:02:59.310 And now it's asking me to do this wants 391 01:03:00.390 --> 01:03:03.990 Those first credentials pride don't matter as much as what I'm getting ready to do right now. 392 01:03:06.780 --> 01:03:07.170 Okay. 393 01:03:08.880 --> 01:03:09.930 Let's be a setting them. 394 01:03:13.770 --> 01:03:16.860 No, I have to look up in my password manager with my password is. 395 01:03:22.680 --> 01:03:30.000 Their keyboard shortcuts for inserting chances that accomplishes the rehashes square brackets ours. 396 01:03:31.980 --> 01:03:33.210 For me it's control. 397 01:03:34.620 --> 01:03:36.510 Control Alt 398 01:03:40.170 --> 01:03:46.530 Okay, and then you can set up keyboard shortcuts more the other ones at you want to bash. There's no 399 01:03:50.850 --> 01:03:51.840 You can set it. 400 01:04:38.160 --> 01:04:39.120 Control, Shift 401 01:05:03.930 --> 01:05:08.040 This is that project I created first 402 01:05:09.060 --> 01:05:11.040 And now we go here. 403 01:05:12.780 --> 01:05:15.720 This is the markdown file that I edited locally in the bush. 404 01:05:17.460 --> 01:05:18.690 With all this garbage. 405 01:05:20.790 --> 01:05:20.970 And 406 01:05:22.770 --> 01:05:25.560 This is the HTML. It was created when I 407 01:05:27.210 --> 01:05:30.210 Get it doesn't. It's just, it's literally HTML. 408 01:05:31.380 --> 01:05:32.820 But if I wanted to. 409 01:05:38.850 --> 01:05:40.830 So that's so I started a project. 410 01:05:44.460 --> 01:05:56.520 So I'll do that again. Grace. I don't think that's why aren't you getting city. So let's say you're going to start something in. So probably everything. Most of project, you should do to probably thinking to get out. 411 01:05:58.320 --> 01:06:01.680 So I'll do this. And in this in this one. 412 01:06:11.400 --> 01:06:14.940 I create a project on Github I'm sorry repository. 413 01:06:17.820 --> 01:06:18.660 Initiated 414 01:06:19.740 --> 01:06:20.370 Great created 415 01:06:21.630 --> 01:06:22.620 There it is. 416 01:06:24.330 --> 01:06:26.160 Oh, copy this address 417 01:06:29.610 --> 01:06:30.360 And then 418 01:06:32.910 --> 01:06:34.860 I'm on the server. Now, 419 01:06:35.940 --> 01:06:38.280 I want to do a new 420 01:06:39.780 --> 01:06:41.040 A new project. 421 01:06:43.260 --> 01:06:46.140 So nice version control there. 422 01:06:47.520 --> 01:06:49.470 Yet, I'm just going to paste that in. 423 01:06:50.520 --> 01:07:02.040 Believe this blank if I leave in this blank. It just automatically names at this, which is probably prefer but you can change it and then make sure you know where does on your computer and you can create project. 424 01:07:05.280 --> 01:07:06.810 And now they're hooked together. 425 01:07:09.720 --> 01:07:14.460 It's like we're soon as you did that he created a our project file. 426 01:07:20.850 --> 01:07:25.950 Be curious what of our project. Well, is this is all it is, and issue that had to make my last 427 01:07:27.690 --> 01:07:29.940 Look at that, because they were so confused. 428 01:07:45.480 --> 01:07:46.680 That's interesting. 429 01:08:01.110 --> 01:08:02.250 Interesting. 430 01:08:15.240 --> 01:08:18.450 Password or username so 431 01:08:30.510 --> 01:08:35.130 The first time I just sit in your answer because they had little dot dot dot dot us, but I think there's nothing behind that. 432 01:08:36.540 --> 01:08:38.100 Time I actually typed it in 433 01:08:43.980 --> 01:08:45.030 Austin you server. 434 01:08:46.350 --> 01:08:47.550 Are markdown file. 435 01:08:48.630 --> 01:08:50.820 Trying to it to a PDF 436 01:08:53.940 --> 01:08:54.720 Installs 437 01:09:22.680 --> 01:09:23.850 Yep, there you go. 438 01:09:24.900 --> 01:09:28.410 That's pretty doesn't invite tag and then be forced into video 439 01:09:33.690 --> 01:09:35.970 Alright, so then what that does. 440 01:09:37.320 --> 01:09:43.890 Is accredited Ophelia PDF by deep on the same stuff or commit that 441 01:09:51.030 --> 01:09:52.350 Go ahead and push that 442 01:09:54.075 --> 01:09:56.490 This is painful could ask me every time. 443 01:10:13.980 --> 01:10:16.920 Way to potentially do with that. 444 01:10:22.440 --> 01:10:29.910 Is to change your referrals over to SSH poster https. 445 01:10:31.080 --> 01:10:31.860 And then 446 01:10:34.770 --> 01:10:35.310 Password. 447 01:10:38.010 --> 01:10:38.460 To get 448 01:10:42.180 --> 01:10:43.770 To use SSH. 449 01:10:45.510 --> 01:10:48.450 For authentication is that have https. 450 01:10:50.310 --> 01:10:56.490 So there's a way that can either initiative repository as an SSH. 451 01:10:58.050 --> 01:10:58.530 Repo 452 01:11:00.210 --> 01:11:06.480 Which is easier or you can convert https repose, not on not on not on them. 453 01:11:07.500 --> 01:11:08.070 Yes. 454 01:11:09.510 --> 01:11:12.390 So you would go into your settings. 455 01:11:14.340 --> 01:11:20.430 You do have to do the command line stuff at Penn also in get out the setup SSH keys. 456 01:11:22.830 --> 01:11:24.210 Still, there's something weird about i mean 457 01:11:25.350 --> 01:11:27.600 They, they have to step was instructions. 458 01:11:29.430 --> 01:11:30.630 Walking through the command line. 459 01:11:34.320 --> 01:11:35.040 Too much 460 01:11:54.690 --> 01:11:55.680 Well that's never happened. 461 01:11:57.000 --> 01:12:00.540 Well that's never happened. The only time it's ever happened to server. 462 01:12:55.980 --> 01:13:02.700 Done It This Way, but you could also do you wanted to create a new package a new a new project here. 463 01:13:09.600 --> 01:13:11.160 Synchronous on the server. 464 01:13:13.155 --> 01:13:26.100 Now I'm just locally, locally on the server. So they get doesn't show up there because it's not connected it, it might be waiting to then look it out, but every time I've always been. I started at get 465 01:13:27.480 --> 01:13:27.960 And 466 01:13:29.670 --> 01:13:31.380 And Github and it created a project. 467 01:14:10.650 --> 01:14:13.650 So we don't have anything and just see what happens. 468 01:14:26.640 --> 01:14:30.270 has nowhere to push to because it doesn't know it doesn't 469 01:14:33.540 --> 01:14:34.950 Yeah. So anyways, 470 01:14:36.660 --> 01:14:39.930 Kind of a weird taste, you probably never started 471 01:14:41.010 --> 01:14:54.420 Skin a habit when you start something on the server started and get hub because you're never gonna mean there's all you're always going to want to bet we did all the server. I mean, you can log files with that. This makes it so much easier. 472 01:14:58.530 --> 01:14:59.310 To project. 473 01:15:02.010 --> 01:15:02.550 Pushed 474 01:15:05.640 --> 01:15:05.910 Yeah. 475 01:15:07.890 --> 01:15:09.120 I'm on the server. Now, 476 01:15:11.850 --> 01:15:12.840 Maybe this one. 477 01:15:14.640 --> 01:15:19.110 That's pretty cool. You can just switch back and forth. You mean it makes me that 478 01:15:26.070 --> 01:15:26.400 Yes. 479 01:15:27.660 --> 01:15:28.050 So, 480 01:15:29.490 --> 01:15:29.880 In 481 01:15:46.650 --> 01:15:47.310 Yeah. 482 01:15:49.290 --> 01:15:49.650 Yeah. 483 01:16:13.980 --> 01:16:14.490 Copy. 484 01:16:18.570 --> 01:16:19.140 Over 485 01:16:25.830 --> 01:16:38.370 What does this do. This will save your credentials for our many seconds. That is, which 10 million seconds, which is according to this website 16 weeks. 486 01:16:39.990 --> 01:16:47.130 All right, so I just stood there. Okay. So now do the push and enter your credentials. 487 01:16:54.270 --> 01:16:56.820 You're just keep things simple password. 488 01:17:29.700 --> 01:17:31.020 This is important. Oh, yeah. 489 01:17:47.160 --> 01:17:48.390 Recognizes code. 490 01:18:36.630 --> 01:18:38.310 Sure keyboard shortcuts to 491 01:18:42.420 --> 01:18:42.960 I'm just thinking 492 01:18:44.790 --> 01:18:46.770 Like Bismarck and metal kid. 493 01:18:53.910 --> 01:18:58.710 Yeah. We should try and the nice thing is you can try now because there's not your resource. 494 01:19:00.090 --> 01:19:18.510 Another downside to me if it will save it breaks, but you're kind of your, your, your few steps away, maybe, I don't know how software works like our studio crashes. Does that lose your job like you run stuff right Ryan that closer to the metal is there an advantage but 495 01:19:19.650 --> 01:19:28.590 Although we can figure out us if we try to simulate similarly Jupiter crashes to set your code still ask. Yes. 496 01:19:29.880 --> 01:19:33.300 It's really insist on sand. Yeah, I just don't know how this works. 497 01:19:34.320 --> 01:19:37.170 So we have to be easy plenty easy to test 498 01:19:39.210 --> 01:19:52.860 Just which right Josie. Yeah, but I mean, I honestly, I mean, though, if you're you run in that big of a Bismarck job is you'd probably be run on me like this big Bismarck jobs idea. I mean, that was like a week on marks. 499 01:19:53.550 --> 01:20:05.550 So it's so it's definitely worth trying these things. So, so how can we do so now I can see because I've got access to the terminal. Can I like to see what's going on. 500 01:20:07.170 --> 01:20:08.340 So I can see 501 01:20:10.140 --> 01:20:15.840 The resources being used as a young is like that. We will get that term. 502 01:20:17.190 --> 01:20:22.110 Yeah, counselor in the serious. No, but what about not server. 503 01:20:23.670 --> 01:20:25.890 Sorry, I meant locally, you said that on your local 504 01:20:28.590 --> 01:20:38.970 Yeah, I'm wondering if that's because I'm not and then get project know that shouldn't shouldn't matter like I don't have it either. So this is me local right now. Yeah. 505 01:20:44.910 --> 01:20:47.010 There is next, next explosive 506 01:20:48.540 --> 01:20:52.590 Our work down here. It shouldn't be this place up that in here right 507 01:20:54.840 --> 01:20:55.920 Nick References 508 01:21:02.250 --> 01:21:04.710 So I guess you got to tools. 509 01:21:07.350 --> 01:21:08.820 Tools shell. 510 01:21:10.170 --> 01:21:13.740 No, I know what it opened terminal. 511 01:21:43.050 --> 01:21:47.220 Because in purposes. There's a terminal thing new terminals up with back. No. 512 01:21:48.960 --> 01:21:56.370 I know what that that's this. I mean, that's like if I'm here and I'll do more shell and just opened up terminal yeah separately. 513 01:21:57.720 --> 01:22:11.160 But if you have actually built into here, which doesn't really matter. I mean, locally. I'm not knocking around my have a terminal window up in any way locally, but it is nice to have it on the server. I mean, this is really sled that you can 514 01:22:22.860 --> 01:22:23.580 Control seems 515 01:22:25.920 --> 01:22:26.340 Clear 516 01:22:28.860 --> 01:22:30.120 To teach you can teach 517 01:22:32.430 --> 01:22:33.810 You know in our studio 518 01:25:01.110 --> 01:25:03.540 Okay, so if you go to Tools menu. 519 01:25:06.660 --> 01:25:11.730 Tools. I have shell not terminal. And so when I press shell, it opens up 520 01:25:15.600 --> 01:25:19.920 So I'm wondering your terminal so yummy. You don't have terminal. Terminal 521 01:25:23.580 --> 01:25:24.780 For fun would that would 522 01:25:25.920 --> 01:25:29.880 If you go to preferences. Do you have terrible about hear anything so 523 01:25:30.930 --> 01:25:40.410 I'm wondering if I just need to update our studio but but it says this functionality should be available within our CEO version like 1.1 something so 524 01:25:41.880 --> 01:25:43.710 I'm just gonna update or should do anyway. 525 01:25:50.250 --> 01:25:52.710 Our city a 3.4 footer. I think the one 526 01:25:54.120 --> 01:26:00.330 Three. Yeah, three sure that's not the version of our notices or version. Oops, ease to do 527 01:26:02.640 --> 01:26:03.360 Oh, one 528 01:26:04.890 --> 01:26:05.790 update our studio 529 01:26:13.920 --> 01:26:14.760 For updates. 530 01:26:29.040 --> 01:26:30.450 Alright, so back to 531 01:26:31.740 --> 01:26:36.870 What you're saying Sam was if you go to. So this is me locally terminals 532 01:26:40.140 --> 01:26:42.540 Focus teaser. There's right here. 533 01:26:49.530 --> 01:26:52.770 To have it listed in the menu move focus to terminal. 534 01:26:54.030 --> 01:26:55.860 Add term right 535 01:26:59.040 --> 01:26:59.670 Interesting. 536 01:27:22.140 --> 01:27:24.750 Well as it so it's tools terminal. 537 01:27:26.730 --> 01:27:27.600 Focus. 538 01:27:29.910 --> 01:27:31.860 shift focus to turn 539 01:27:34.560 --> 01:27:35.250 And the shortcut. 540 01:27:58.200 --> 01:27:59.130 Like cools. 541 01:28:00.900 --> 01:28:02.790 Most are our only 542 01:28:06.720 --> 01:28:08.220 Shows how you use it. 543 01:28:12.030 --> 01:28:13.920 I mean, I made that map. Yeah, that 544 01:28:15.210 --> 01:28:17.400 Was the only cool thing I've done recently. 545 01:28:18.990 --> 01:28:25.770 Most things are just like life shows how you said it shows it shows how you work like how you directories aren't all that kind of stuff. 546 01:28:28.800 --> 01:28:30.870 Stood me a moment. Trying to update our studio 547 01:28:32.160 --> 01:28:32.670 To go 548 01:28:38.940 --> 01:28:41.670 And stop being stupid. 549 01:28:46.410 --> 01:28:46.830 Well, 550 01:28:51.270 --> 01:28:52.290 So it is part of that.