2017-07-05T17:31:13,ERROR: Workflow version 1.32.0: Starting Error Logging for /illumina/scratch/Voyager/BUILDS/raptor_builds/IsasNS4/demux/65367/Analysis 2017-07-05T17:31:13,ERROR: Run by user: svc_sage 2017-07-05T17:31:13,ERROR: Unexpected setting 'LegacyFASTQGeneration' found in [Settings] section of sample sheet. This setting will be ignored. 2017-07-05T18:12:17,ERROR: bcl2fastq: WARNING: No cbcl files found for cycle 0. Attempt 1 of 3. Retry with cycle 1. 2017-07-05T18:12:17,ERROR: bcl2fastq: WARNING: No cbcl files found for cycle 0. Attempt 1 of 3. Retry with cycle 1.