#!/usr/bin/env python # # This is a script to create a dot graph from pyflow state files. # Usage: $script >| task_graph.dot # # Note that script assumes the default pyflow state files are in the script directory. # # This file was autogenerated by process: '/illumina/scratch/Voyager/BUILDS/raptor_builds/IsasNS4/demux/65367.backup' # ...from working directory: '/illumina/scripts/WGS/DemuxWorkflow/DemuxWorkflow.Voyager/scripts/demuxWorkflow.py --sample-config /illumina/scratch/Voyager/BUILDS/raptor_builds/IsasNS4/demux/65367.workspace/raptor_rqfc_config_65367.yaml' # import datetime,os,sys,time scriptDir=os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def timeStampToTimeStr(ts) : """ converts time.time() output to timenow() string """ return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts).isoformat() def timeStrNow(): return timeStampToTimeStr(time.time()) def cmdline() : return " ".join(sys.argv) class Bunch: """ generic struct with named argument constructor """ def __init__(self, **kwds): self.__dict__.update(kwds) class LogGlobals : isFsync = True def hardFlush(ofp): ofp.flush() if ofp.isatty() : return # fsync call has been reported to consistently fail in some contexts (rsh?) # so allow OSError if not LogGlobals.isFsync : return try : os.fsync(ofp.fileno()) except OSError: LogGlobals.isFsync = False class TaskNodeConstants(object) : validRunstates = ("complete", "running", "queued", "waiting", "error") class DotConfig(object) : """ A static container of configuration data for dot graph output """ runstateDotColor = {"waiting" : "grey", "running" : "green", "queued" : "yellow", "error" : "red", "complete" : "blue" } runstateDotStyle = {"waiting" : "dashed", "running" : None, "queued" : None, "error" : "bold", "complete" : None } @staticmethod def getRunstateDotAttrib(runstate) : color = DotConfig.runstateDotColor[runstate] style = DotConfig.runstateDotStyle[runstate] attrib = "" if color is not None : attrib += " color=%s" % (color) if style is not None : attrib += " style=%s" % (style) return attrib @staticmethod def getTypeDotAttrib(nodeType) : attrib = "" if nodeType == "workflow" : attrib += " shape=rect style=rounded" return attrib @staticmethod def getDotLegend() : string = '{ rank = source; Legend [shape=none, margin=0, label=<\n' string += '\n' string += '\n' for state in TaskNodeConstants.validRunstates : color = DotConfig.runstateDotColor[state] string += '\n' % (state, color) string += '
>];}\n' return string def taskStateParser(stateFile) : class Constants : nStateCols = 5 for line in open(stateFile) : if len(line) and line[0] == "#" : continue line = line.strip() w = line.split("\t") if len(w) != Constants.nStateCols : raise Exception("Unexpected format in taskStateFile: '%s' line: '%s'" % (stateFile, line)) yield [x.strip() for x in w] def taskInfoParser(infoFile) : class Constants : nInfoCols = 10 for line in open(infoFile) : if len(line) and line[0] == "#" : continue line = line.lstrip() w = line.split("\t", (Constants.nInfoCols - 1)) if len(w) != Constants.nInfoCols : raise Exception("Unexpected format in taskInfoFile: '%s' line: '%s'" % (infoFile, line)) yield [x.strip() for x in w] def getTaskInfoDepSet(s) : # reconstruct dependencies allowing for extraneous whitespace in the file: s = s.strip() if s == "" : return [] return set([d.strip() for d in s.split(",")]) def writeDotGraph(taskInfoFile, taskStateFile, workflowClassName) : """ write out the current graph state in dot format """ addOrder = [] taskInfo = {} headNodes = set() tailNodes = set() # read info file: for (label, namespace, ptype, _nCores, _memMb, _priority, _isForceLocal, depStr, _cwdStr, _command) in taskInfoParser(taskInfoFile) : tid = (namespace, label) addOrder.append(tid) taskInfo[tid] = Bunch(ptype=ptype, parentLabels=getTaskInfoDepSet(depStr)) if len(taskInfo[tid].parentLabels) == 0 : headNodes.add(tid) tailNodes.add(tid) for plabel in taskInfo[tid].parentLabels : ptid = (namespace, plabel) if ptid in tailNodes : tailNodes.remove(ptid) for (label, namespace, runState, _errorCode, _time) in taskStateParser(taskStateFile) : tid = (namespace, label) taskInfo[tid].runState = runState dotFp = sys.stdout dotFp.write("// Task graph from pyflow object '%s'\n" % (workflowClassName)) dotFp.write("// Process command: '%s'\n" % (cmdline())) dotFp.write("// Process working dir: '%s'\n" % (os.getcwd())) dotFp.write("// Graph capture time: %s\n" % (timeStrNow())) dotFp.write("\n") dotFp.write("digraph %s {\n" % (workflowClassName + "Graph")) dotFp.write("\tcompound=true;\nrankdir=LR;\nnode[fontsize=10];\n") labelToSym = {} namespaceGraph = {} for (i, (namespace, label)) in enumerate(addOrder) : tid = (namespace, label) if namespace not in namespaceGraph : namespaceGraph[namespace] = "" sym = "n%i" % i labelToSym[tid] = sym attrib1 = DotConfig.getRunstateDotAttrib(taskInfo[tid].runState) attrib2 = DotConfig.getTypeDotAttrib(taskInfo[tid].ptype) namespaceGraph[namespace] += "\t\t%s [label=\"%s\"%s%s];\n" % (sym, label, attrib1, attrib2) for (namespace, label) in addOrder : tid = (namespace, label) sym = labelToSym[tid] for plabel in taskInfo[tid].parentLabels : ptid = (namespace, plabel) namespaceGraph[namespace] += ("\t\t%s -> %s;\n" % (labelToSym[ptid], sym)) for (i, ns) in enumerate(namespaceGraph.keys()) : isNs = ((ns is not None) and (ns != "")) dotFp.write("\tsubgraph cluster_sg%i {\n" % (i)) if isNs : dotFp.write("\t\tlabel = \"%s\";\n" % (ns)) else : dotFp.write("\t\tlabel = \"%s\";\n" % (workflowClassName)) dotFp.write(namespaceGraph[ns]) dotFp.write("\t\tbegin%i [label=\"begin\" shape=diamond];\n" % (i)) dotFp.write("\t\tend%i [label=\"end\" shape=diamond];\n" % (i)) for (namespace, label) in headNodes : if namespace != ns : continue sym = labelToSym[(namespace, label)] dotFp.write("\t\tbegin%i -> %s;\n" % (i, sym)) for (namespace, label) in tailNodes : if namespace != ns : continue sym = labelToSym[(namespace, label)] dotFp.write("\t\t%s -> end%i;\n" % (sym, i)) dotFp.write("\t}\n") if ns in labelToSym : dotFp.write("\t%s -> begin%i [style=dotted];\n" % (labelToSym[ns], i)) # in LR orientation this will make the graph look messy: # dotFp.write("\tend%i -> %s [style=invis];\n" % (i,labelToSym[ns])) dotFp.write(DotConfig.getDotLegend()) dotFp.write("}\n") hardFlush(dotFp) if __name__ == '__main__' : writeDotGraph(os.path.join(scriptDir,'pyflow_tasks_info.txt'),os.path.join(scriptDir,'pyflow_tasks_runstate.txt'),'DemuxWorkflowRunner')