########## MethylExtract_1.9 LogFile ########## WORKING FEATURES: Input Directory: /home/srlab/Documents/C-virginica-BSSeq/2112_lane1_ACAGTG/ Multi-Fasta Sequences: /home/srlab/Documents/C-virginica-BSSeq/2112_lane1_ACAGTG//MultiFASTA.fa Output Directory: /home/srlab/Documents/C-virginica-BSSeq/2112_lane1_ACAGTG/ Elapsed time: 0d : 0h : 0m :31s Number of threads: 4 Number of chromosomes divisions: 400 Strand tags used: Watson strand 147,99 & Crick strand 163,83 Qscore used: phred33-quals Output: context=CG WIG=Y BED=Y QUALITY FEATURES: Duplicated reads deletion: N Similar nucleotides to consider a duplicated read: 32 First number of positions ignored: 0 Last number of positions ignored: 0 Pair-end overlaping correction: N Quality filters: minQ=30 minDepthMeth=1 minDepthSNV=1 methNonCpGs=0.9 maxStrandBias=0.7 varFraction=0.05 maxPval=0.01 QUALITY RESULTS: Deleted duplicated reads: 0 Discarded reads by bisulfite check: 31877 Discarded positions Q<30: 0 Discarded methylation ratios with depth<1: 0 Unchecked variation in positions with depth<1: 0 Discarded SNVs with strand bias over 0.7: 0 SNVs RESULTS: SNVs on KV918247.1: Homozygous SNVs: 0 Heterozygous SNVs: 0 SNVs on KV918246.1: Homozygous SNVs: 0 Heterozygous SNVs: 0 SNVs on KV918244.1: Homozygous SNVs: 0 Heterozygous SNVs: 0 SNVs on KV918245.1: Homozygous SNVs: 0 Heterozygous SNVs: 0 Methylation RESULTS: