Running job 87 based on command line options. Running block 000036 in query 000087 Running with these settings: --filter-threshold = 5.0E-6 --help = false --max-shift = 0.2 --min-olap-length = 500 --min-store-length = 0 --no-rc = false --no-self = false --no-tf = false --num-hashes = 768 --num-min-matches = 2 --num-threads = 14 --ordered-kmer-size = 12 --ordered-sketch-size = 1536 --repeat-idf-scale = 10.0 --repeat-weight = 0.9 --settings = 0 --store-full-id = false --supress-noise = 0 --threshold = 0.73 --version = false -f = -h = false -k = 16 -p = -q = queries/000087 -s = ./blocks/000036.dat Processing files for storage in reverse index... Current # sequences loaded and processed from file: 5000... Current # sequences loaded and processed from file: 10000... Current # sequences stored: 5000... Current # sequences stored: 10000... Stored 12286 sequences in the index. Processed 12286 unique sequences (fwd and rev). Time (s) to read and hash from file: 3.3842770520000003 Time (s) to score and output to self: 2.6367873520000003 Total scoring time (s): 2.638424138 Total time (s): 6.022986685 MinHash search time (s): 2.7803291540000004 Total matches found: 90969 Average number of matches per lookup: 14.808562591567638 Average number of table elements processed per lookup: 1112.660752075533 Average number of table elements processed per match: 75.13631017159692 Average % of hashed sequences hit per lookup: 1.9821605366207085 Average % of hashed sequences hit that are matches: 6.0808398964166965 Average % of hashed sequences fully compared that are matches: 58.43332476875642