--- title: "RRBS Geoduck Prelim Analysis" output: html_notebook --- Going to run our new RRBS Geoduck data through a BSMap analysis run to get some data for next week. This may all be moot, as we've not gotten MD5 checksums from Genewiz yet, but I figured I would get started on stuff, on the assumption the data is good. ```{r} setwd("~/Documents/Geoduck/") system("mkdir ~/Documents/Geoduck/untrimmed-Fast-QC") system("fastqc *.gz -o ~/Documents/Geoduck/untrimmed-Fast-QC") ``` ```{r} system("mkdir ~/Documents/Geoduck/Trimmed-fq") file.names <- list.files(path = ".", pattern = "*.gz") for(i in 1:(length(file.names) - 1)) { system(paste("/home/shared/trimgalore/trim_galore --rrbs --paired --fastqc -o ~/Documents/Geoduck/Trimmed-fq", file.names[i], file.names[i + 1], "> trim_galore_output.txt")) } ``` Cancelled the trimming to get just raw data processed quickly. ```{r} setwd("~/Documents/Geoduck/") system("mkdir ~/Documents/Geoduck/bsmap-output/") file.names <- list.files(path = ".", pattern = "*.gz") for(i in seq(from = 1, to = (length(file.names) - 1), by = 2)) { system(paste0("bsmap -p 16 -d ~/Documents/Geoduck/Panopea_generosa-Scaff-10k.fa -a ", file.names[i], " -b ", file.names[i + 1], " -o ~/Documents/Geoduck/bsmap-output/", substr(file.names[i], 1, 16), ".sam > bsmap_output_", substr(file.names[i], 1, 16), ".txt")) } ``` Add a new chunk by clicking the *Insert Chunk* button on the toolbar or by pressing *Ctrl+Alt+I*. When you save the notebook, an HTML file containing the code and output will be saved alongside it (click the *Preview* button or press *Ctrl+Shift+K* to preview the HTML file).