# ContigOrdering file. This file represents a ContigOrdering object, which describes an ordering of contigs within a Proximo cluster. # See ContigOrdering.h for more documentation. # # Important numbers: # N_contigs 71 (Number of contigs in the input cluster) # N_contigs_used 71 (Number of contigs ordered by this ordering) # has_Q_scores 1 (Boolean: has orientation quality scores?) # has_gaps 0 (Boolean: have gap sizes between contigs been estimated?) # # Columns: #contig_ID(local) contig_name contig_rc orientation_Q_score gap_size_after_contig 42 509417 1 28.1658 . 34 505681 0 89.8461 . 20 1196 0 770.701 . 47 511441 0 11.2398 . 27 1422 1 1152.22 . 7 544 1 55.3741 . 5 461 0 1339.33 . 55 515995 0 198.731 . 32 1628 1 591.823 . 69 519749 0 397.613 . 1 416 0 772.836 . 37 506989 0 52.0826 . 33 502154 1 59.2946 . 28 1447 1 21.0777 . 58 517136 1 10.8955 . 57 517072 0 153.652 . 64 518863 0 2115.33 . 68 519598 0 8508.49 . 61 518691 1 408.838 . 4 441 1 598.911 . 13 752 0 306.112 . 54 514814 1 40.3591 . 53 513718 1 162.64 . 46 510597 0 45.5487 . 67 519445 1 47.726 . 12 710 1 333.414 . 9 576 0 120.614 . 29 1452 1 394.47 . 24 1327 0 197.157 . 21 1199 1 76.2569 . 19 1180 1 8727.42 . 6 469 0 856.392 . 8 566 1 653.344 . 44 509546 1 126.57 . 56 516180 1 110.34 . 43 509475 0 57.3821 . 51 513158 1 134.18 . 17 1120 0 196.665 . 2 435 0 198.612 . 23 1307 0 1692.08 . 22 1300 0 281.579 . 49 512367 0 151.181 . 50 512745 0 12.2979 . 25 1355 1 1005.2 . 3 438 0 4859.05 . 31 1561 0 191.269 . 11 619 0 2151.49 . 26 1420 0 1412.79 . 30 1560 0 885.656 . 14 832 1 1740.29 . 15 833 0 74.9936 . 59 518099 0 1244.37 . 60 518100 1 1445.32 . 63 518859 0 2683.68 . 62 518729 1 2262.96 . 65 519105 0 2431.43 . 66 519253 1 2628.78 . 35 505725 0 96.8517 . 52 513240 0 114.052 . 48 511798 1 9.05975 . 10 595 0 122.202 . 0 407 1 2342.91 . 18 1163 1 524.577 . 16 1111 1 902.474 . 36 505781 0 131.553 . 39 507329 1 156.95 . 41 507719 1 66.1791 . 45 509747 0 6.39963 . 40 507373 1 100.015 . 38 506997 1 9.80869 . 70 7134843 0 0 .