# ContigOrdering file. This file represents a ContigOrdering object, which describes an ordering of contigs within a Proximo cluster. # See ContigOrdering.h for more documentation. # # Important numbers: # N_contigs 57 (Number of contigs in the input cluster) # N_contigs_used 57 (Number of contigs ordered by this ordering) # has_Q_scores 1 (Boolean: has orientation quality scores?) # has_gaps 0 (Boolean: have gap sizes between contigs been estimated?) # # Columns: #contig_ID(local) contig_name contig_rc orientation_Q_score gap_size_after_contig 1 347 1 254.223 . 31 505069 0 41.1197 . 26 1439 0 98.6227 . 37 513736 0 252.393 . 36 513482 1 217.324 . 25 1410 1 2430.42 . 13 971 0 1632.86 . 23 1351 1 427.202 . 24 1353 0 1473.33 . 20 1202 0 787.721 . 27 1467 0 509.858 . 3 474 1 365.527 . 18 1147 0 324.302 . 5 556 1 61.7937 . 55 520021 0 98.096 . 34 509419 1 90.2921 . 14 1025 1 224.617 . 8 632 0 117.216 . 29 1543 0 524.522 . 4 553 0 334.751 . 35 510243 1 67.7321 . 30 1636 0 36.5488 . 15 1073 1 89.4358 . 45 518021 1 615.606 . 43 517501 0 731.344 . 51 519702 1 2027.9 . 52 519828 0 1826.78 . 54 520002 0 2769.21 . 53 519973 1 2974.39 . 22 1288 1 829.841 . 17 1136 0 726.141 . 11 805 0 439.818 . 19 1162 1 300.978 . 6 563 1 309.853 . 28 1535 0 1511.45 . 12 808 0 47.5393 . 32 507409 0 0 . 42 517296 1 160.031 . 38 513857 0 58.83 . 50 519241 1 107.813 . 7 598 1 2165.81 . 0 338 0 1260.81 . 10 794 0 130.74 . 39 515078 1 617.765 . 40 515174 0 471.864 . 49 519023 0 3006.43 . 48 519002 1 3013.91 . 2 420 1 2161.13 . 21 1260 1 196.824 . 9 701 1 6301.46 . 33 508342 0 25.6821 . 47 518949 1 174.616 . 16 1096 1 289.533 . 44 517938 0 3489.93 . 46 518663 0 9165.19 . 41 516185 1 377.148 . 56 521643 1 12.3416 .