# ContigOrdering file. This file represents a ContigOrdering object, which describes an ordering of contigs within a Proximo cluster. # See ContigOrdering.h for more documentation. # # Important numbers: # N_contigs 65 (Number of contigs in the input cluster) # N_contigs_used 65 (Number of contigs ordered by this ordering) # has_Q_scores 1 (Boolean: has orientation quality scores?) # has_gaps 0 (Boolean: have gap sizes between contigs been estimated?) # # Columns: #contig_ID(local) contig_name contig_rc orientation_Q_score gap_size_after_contig 42 513237 1 23.7026 . 1 333 0 8544.73 . 59 519406 1 2073.49 . 60 519627 0 1286.85 . 24 1363 1 20.7442 . 9 473 0 8711.95 . 0 332 0 3298.97 . 32 491901 1 19.12 . 7 432 0 497.932 . 13 683 0 72.9684 . 54 518444 0 285.215 . 62 520294 0 143.225 . 41 512760 1 384.797 . 46 513778 1 152.103 . 43 513358 0 15.9818 . 21 1292 1 11.8646 . 58 519367 1 125.21 . 45 513551 0 188.379 . 63 520575 1 24.9897 . 34 504976 0 13.8242 . 16 874 0 3.18982 . 38 509471 0 52.1127 . 18 1097 1 632.651 . 26 1489 1 1259.53 . 39 511940 0 45.516 . 50 516894 0 500.521 . 51 516943 1 841.136 . 47 514254 0 500.664 . 48 515327 0 425.909 . 25 1426 1 511.288 . 53 517600 1 145.204 . 49 516301 0 514.21 . 22 1305 0 661.935 . 64 522127 0 16.0651 . 17 937 0 56.0195 . 55 518861 0 3.31824 . 14 767 1 42.3326 . 4 402 0 1046.52 . 56 518898 1 21.4718 . 10 518 0 866.925 . 28 1498 1 183.135 . 52 517312 0 21.7496 . 3 352 1 374.166 . 27 1492 1 6.92209 . 8 459 1 592.675 . 12 637 0 10.7966 . 40 512469 1 43.6027 . 33 498446 0 87.8974 . 36 507804 0 2.22466 . 20 1261 1 1032.34 . 19 1107 1 244.951 . 5 405 0 1749.22 . 35 505227 1 16.4973 . 31 1565 0 372.757 . 2 350 1 817.408 . 44 513455 1 34.503 . 37 508339 1 90.1222 . 30 1501 0 165.127 . 11 614 1 1039.28 . 15 826 1 307.426 . 23 1362 0 616.176 . 6 429 1 418.73 . 29 1500 0 61.7316 . 61 519922 1 1929.11 . 57 519318 0 868.653 .