# ContigOrdering file. This file represents a ContigOrdering object, which describes an ordering of contigs within a Proximo cluster. # See ContigOrdering.h for more documentation. # # Important numbers: # N_contigs 76 (Number of contigs in the input cluster) # N_contigs_used 76 (Number of contigs ordered by this ordering) # has_Q_scores 1 (Boolean: has orientation quality scores?) # has_gaps 0 (Boolean: have gap sizes between contigs been estimated?) # # Columns: #contig_ID(local) contig_name contig_rc orientation_Q_score gap_size_after_contig 67 520194 1 7500.7 . 68 520195 0 7614.18 . 57 519092 0 2495.46 . 58 519116 1 2168.26 . 64 519985 0 3912.41 . 63 519967 1 2409.15 . 0 348 0 1348.23 . 16 795 0 2382.84 . 14 761 0 1670.44 . 19 999 0 861.284 . 2 355 1 9238.35 . 5 443 1 12755.8 . 31 1453 0 960.969 . 18 957 1 67.239 . 22 1182 0 780.767 . 4 428 0 2487.31 . 49 516246 1 359.172 . 20 1091 1 230.482 . 47 515088 0 19.3377 . 13 647 0 365.329 . 25 1285 0 739.159 . 38 506994 1 242.511 . 15 777 1 45.3298 . 21 1157 1 131.651 . 51 516837 1 129.064 . 11 543 1 1846.12 . 8 490 1 102.979 . 35 481626 1 104.127 . 37 496426 1 4.61328 . 36 486669 0 63.6436 . 26 1322 1 221.08 . 39 507411 0 110.565 . 53 518383 0 1694.19 . 54 518408 0 1139.59 . 65 520011 0 7158.65 . 66 520066 1 6733.79 . 33 1508 1 2191.73 . 17 849 1 191.742 . 32 1495 1 759.221 . 3 361 0 4588.44 . 61 519583 0 3151.48 . 62 519614 1 3538.16 . 12 609 0 49.0135 . 46 515024 1 21.4602 . 72 521573 1 100.535 . 44 513643 1 18.1007 . 42 512882 1 25.536 . 41 512511 1 144.423 . 50 516409 1 24.2388 . 34 1626 0 241.605 . 43 513468 1 141.161 . 45 514579 1 111.584 . 70 520743 1 4633.74 . 59 519213 0 1026.95 . 7 447 0 1767.38 . 52 517209 0 244.71 . 48 515306 1 156.814 . 40 507416 0 9.90535 . 9 497 0 126.624 . 6 446 1 3333.88 . 10 507 0 4601.95 . 30 1440 0 881.191 . 71 521232 0 6543.36 . 69 520403 1 7007.98 . 27 1405 0 362.53 . 28 1412 1 310.772 . 73 521836 0 41.457 . 56 519083 1 50.5009 . 1 353 1 1434.34 . 24 1275 0 167.364 . 29 1428 1 411.834 . 23 1262 1 1431.84 . 74 7134102 1 34.1868 . 75 7134104 1 57.1209 . 60 519524 0 62.6349 . 55 519021 0 41.6066 .