# ContigOrdering file. This file represents a ContigOrdering object, which describes an ordering of contigs within a Proximo cluster. # See ContigOrdering.h for more documentation. # # Important numbers: # N_contigs 65 (Number of contigs in the input cluster) # N_contigs_used 65 (Number of contigs ordered by this ordering) # has_Q_scores 1 (Boolean: has orientation quality scores?) # has_gaps 0 (Boolean: have gap sizes between contigs been estimated?) # # Columns: #contig_ID(local) contig_name contig_rc orientation_Q_score gap_size_after_contig 51 512473 0 265.922 . 53 515160 1 234.547 . 0 357 1 1080.98 . 17 1060 0 74.8733 . 33 1365 0 387.068 . 5 736 0 1685.37 . 14 1027 1 412.343 . 47 508822 0 17.3294 . 24 1178 1 1797.34 . 28 1251 1 8010.18 . 35 1484 1 56.7008 . 30 1294 0 3486.63 . 62 519488 1 45.6556 . 50 512344 0 70.5026 . 18 1089 0 68.5387 . 22 1164 0 303.907 . 37 1549 1 60.8484 . 39 1613 1 128.699 . 2 644 0 209.651 . 44 506488 0 12.6247 . 52 514087 0 90.9792 . 16 1059 1 7923.32 . 31 1325 1 481.272 . 36 1522 0 2634.22 . 8 848 0 1206.68 . 12 956 0 1.13665 . 20 1132 1 279.038 . 3 686 1 850.369 . 49 510682 0 17.5303 . 40 1625 1 70.6155 . 58 517527 1 37.109 . 1 423 1 898.438 . 32 1361 1 361.347 . 23 1165 1 480.121 . 63 521558 0 948.04 . 64 521618 1 1131.1 . 6 742 0 144.168 . 54 515956 1 1.98472 . 19 1118 0 451.344 . 34 1463 1 72.422 . 10 865 1 40.5372 . 26 1197 1 634.01 . 7 758 1 1573.24 . 11 885 1 74.9315 . 46 508804 0 25.9007 . 13 1000 0 219.572 . 25 1191 0 135.919 . 56 517036 0 107.311 . 43 501929 0 8.66117 . 59 517857 0 99.5341 . 4 712 1 105.609 . 29 1290 0 154.053 . 60 517994 0 135.795 . 48 510675 0 210.062 . 42 495986 1 23.3106 . 41 1757 0 145.153 . 57 517370 0 56.8197 . 21 1141 0 138.391 . 27 1206 1 139.273 . 38 1599 0 205.099 . 15 1031 1 1060.03 . 55 515984 0 2.9214 . 9 852 1 68.5373 . 45 508778 1 14.2381 . 61 519059 1 24.5232 .