# ContigOrdering file. This file represents a ContigOrdering object, which describes an ordering of contigs within a Proximo cluster. # See ContigOrdering.h for more documentation. # # Important numbers: # N_contigs 57 (Number of contigs in the input cluster) # N_contigs_used 57 (Number of contigs ordered by this ordering) # has_Q_scores 1 (Boolean: has orientation quality scores?) # has_gaps 0 (Boolean: have gap sizes between contigs been estimated?) # # Columns: #contig_ID(local) contig_name contig_rc orientation_Q_score gap_size_after_contig 32 507409 0 0 . 56 521643 0 0.799009 . 54 520002 0 2729.97 . 53 519973 1 2556.37 . 43 517501 1 642.254 . 45 518021 0 615.606 . 15 1073 0 230.184 . 35 510243 1 186.718 . 30 1636 0 153.063 . 33 508342 0 6.24731 . 9 701 0 6279.65 . 21 1260 0 196.824 . 2 420 0 2085.65 . 47 518949 1 171.693 . 16 1096 1 289.533 . 44 517938 0 3489.93 . 46 518663 0 9165.19 . 41 516185 1 383.268 . 12 808 0 0.250302 . 28 1535 1 1013.02 . 7 598 1 1674.99 . 50 519241 1 81.0747 . 38 513857 1 93.9304 . 42 517296 0 154.553 . 0 338 1 734.933 . 10 794 1 100.326 . 19 1162 1 500.687 . 6 563 1 178.553 . 18 1147 1 236.154 . 3 474 0 365.527 . 27 1467 1 2834.35 . 48 519002 0 2301.84 . 49 519023 1 3691.14 . 39 515078 1 420.62 . 40 515174 0 553.593 . 51 519702 1 1707.53 . 52 519828 0 1097.5 . 5 556 1 329.272 . 8 632 1 69.837 . 14 1025 0 224.617 . 34 509419 0 90.2921 . 55 520021 1 98.096 . 29 1543 0 498.102 . 4 553 0 352.311 . 22 1288 1 600.625 . 17 1136 0 726.141 . 11 805 0 463.03 . 23 1351 0 25.8003 . 13 971 0 46.8151 . 24 1353 0 1973.76 . 20 1202 0 2648.57 . 1 347 1 5863.79 . 25 1410 1 720.045 . 36 513482 0 250.088 . 37 513736 1 252.393 . 26 1439 1 98.6227 . 31 505069 1 41.2513 .