# ContigOrdering file. This file represents a ContigOrdering object, which describes an ordering of contigs within a Proximo cluster. # See ContigOrdering.h for more documentation. # # Important numbers: # N_contigs 98 (Number of contigs in the input cluster) # N_contigs_used 98 (Number of contigs ordered by this ordering) # has_Q_scores 1 (Boolean: has orientation quality scores?) # has_gaps 0 (Boolean: have gap sizes between contigs been estimated?) # # Columns: #contig_ID(local) contig_name contig_rc orientation_Q_score gap_size_after_contig 56 509042 0 0.8427 . 65 513538 1 140.536 . 73 517526 0 367.368 . 85 518805 1 2234.7 . 81 518310 0 1923.52 . 32 1232 0 168.967 . 92 520080 1 240.664 . 55 507981 1 80.0971 . 77 517798 0 120.628 . 48 446279 1 33.3321 . 60 510879 1 24.8699 . 4 465 0 878.607 . 95 930831 1 57.8778 . 96 1022744 1 34.1073 . 94 930830 0 17.5612 . 97 1022745 0 19.3996 . 36 1286 0 595.834 . 11 682 0 256.817 . 23 1067 1 519.165 . 19 997 0 3794.55 . 43 1605 1 39.2514 . 38 1314 1 39.0572 . 44 1621 0 186.921 . 24 1068 1 75.2968 . 58 510277 0 20.9919 . 64 513282 1 210.105 . 2 413 1 84.4127 . 41 1364 0 1.46232 . 78 517907 1 79.5459 . 22 1015 1 470.975 . 45 1647 1 386.921 . 5 475 1 1375.99 . 20 1003 0 32.292 . 46 1671 1 1540.93 . 34 1276 1 2328.42 . 54 507812 0 122.537 . 57 509272 1 117.274 . 3 457 0 153.931 . 62 511291 0 16.0259 . 7 600 0 428.861 . 63 512994 1 136.311 . 61 510881 0 98.1798 . 59 510598 1 42.62 . 42 1462 0 376.697 . 35 1284 1 253.266 . 67 516112 1 143.456 . 52 505582 0 77.6264 . 93 520150 0 46.1769 . 40 1358 1 152.749 . 82 518398 0 553.465 . 68 516247 0 1887.22 . 69 516652 1 1155.91 . 18 996 0 23.2827 . 26 1086 1 153.337 . 79 518127 1 0.0548081 . 0 351 1 289.454 . 50 498450 0 71.7554 . 15 884 1 76.7175 . 51 503776 0 36.7573 . 13 729 0 476.679 . 10 658 0 282.299 . 9 651 1 254.018 . 25 1082 0 615.544 . 47 1707 0 33.8681 . 16 968 0 400.086 . 30 1205 0 733.783 . 39 1333 1 955.141 . 87 518916 0 1120.91 . 74 517595 1 985.384 . 90 519934 0 5137.78 . 88 519837 1 5797.01 . 84 518725 1 1000.65 . 75 517654 1 1065.07 . 66 515948 0 702.766 . 70 516691 1 986.014 . 6 499 0 299.631 . 17 991 0 219.255 . 21 1009 0 762.437 . 29 1116 1 13.2549 . 27 1087 0 50.7508 . 14 734 1 87.9494 . 76 517719 1 1394.29 . 72 517479 0 1502.67 . 71 517090 0 69.0505 . 8 628 1 31.5532 . 37 1293 0 18.059 . 33 1255 0 726.166 . 28 1110 1 372.232 . 31 1227 1 122.683 . 53 507341 0 13.5858 . 1 354 0 1335.14 . 86 518828 1 74.1333 . 49 492117 1 15.0134 . 91 519987 1 3600.88 . 89 519913 0 3614.63 . 12 685 1 113.19 . 80 518295 1 1301.06 . 83 518404 0 1738.36 .