# ContigOrdering file. This file represents a ContigOrdering object, which describes an ordering of contigs within a Proximo cluster. # See ContigOrdering.h for more documentation. # # Important numbers: # N_contigs 103 (Number of contigs in the input cluster) # N_contigs_used 103 (Number of contigs ordered by this ordering) # has_Q_scores 1 (Boolean: has orientation quality scores?) # has_gaps 0 (Boolean: have gap sizes between contigs been estimated?) # # Columns: #contig_ID(local) contig_name contig_rc orientation_Q_score gap_size_after_contig 57 504038 0 1.01174 . 38 1200 1 14.2776 . 0 412 1 1703.76 . 72 512287 1 76.1732 . 16 745 0 892.142 . 5 456 1 186.043 . 1 421 0 514.215 . 2 431 0 772.497 . 99 521599 0 132.308 . 71 512058 0 381.298 . 34 1149 1 199.056 . 65 511332 1 309.028 . 53 1660 0 991.794 . 41 1280 0 1836.42 . 81 516729 0 60.4256 . 20 831 1 172.984 . 29 1075 0 458.265 . 48 1415 0 151.968 . 84 518306 0 100.348 . 70 511929 1 171.326 . 91 519571 1 75.7435 . 8 484 1 93.063 . 15 744 0 291.7 . 56 1711 0 837.356 . 19 787 1 1365.46 . 50 1480 1 1034.32 . 28 1069 1 2798.76 . 36 1189 0 545.846 . 35 1184 0 203.341 . 98 520852 0 183.996 . 74 513372 1 1.64249 . 88 518745 1 32.0406 . 60 509460 1 27.6531 . 13 714 1 193.3 . 42 1287 0 163.525 . 45 1393 1 1394.9 . 82 517170 1 1272.74 . 78 515131 0 1507.09 . 30 1108 1 441.056 . 90 519378 1 139.479 . 43 1298 0 1905.26 . 24 939 0 769.829 . 47 1413 0 302.826 . 4 449 1 1966.09 . 27 1034 1 890.391 . 22 867 0 280.493 . 67 511509 0 121.667 . 73 512914 1 134.514 . 97 520232 0 602.489 . 96 520229 1 460.18 . 37 1193 1 137.37 . 54 1693 1 609.411 . 40 1253 1 480.961 . 25 962 0 270.098 . 3 434 0 1111.88 . 18 757 0 29.5669 . 49 1432 1 12.996 . 23 897 0 99.6819 . 100 6245277 0 67.983 . 102 6252963 1 11.478 . 101 6252962 0 13.0566 . 85 518402 1 2261.52 . 87 518593 0 2040.67 . 52 1496 1 583.425 . 31 1115 0 478.731 . 68 511599 0 19.4872 . 64 510399 1 87.271 . 69 511791 0 71.9546 . 12 687 1 272.88 . 14 718 1 108.352 . 61 510028 0 15.1943 . 17 753 1 886.322 . 32 1129 0 20.0961 . 62 510045 0 31.5337 . 83 518177 0 63.5041 . 21 837 1 308.824 . 58 507001 1 1.36223 . 10 522 0 418.203 . 11 620 0 1022.44 . 39 1215 0 227.601 . 75 513396 1 236.954 . 80 516049 0 19.634 . 79 515183 0 149.051 . 59 507977 1 7.77579 . 51 1487 1 253.589 . 94 519667 1 6856.73 . 95 519734 0 7800.66 . 92 519596 0 3663.63 . 93 519638 1 4325.54 . 44 1303 1 609.418 . 46 1411 1 1438.88 . 66 511463 0 88.133 . 9 520 1 442.826 . 86 518514 1 1917.97 . 89 518865 0 1815.91 . 7 483 0 183.697 . 6 476 0 1429.16 . 33 1144 0 0.336481 . 26 985 0 1830.97 . 55 1704 0 250.911 . 63 510248 0 47.5675 . 76 514318 0 325.693 . 77 515130 1 393.474 .