owl/Athaliana/20180919_oly_transcriptome_bowtie2/ Mapping Olympia oyster transcriptome assembly (Trinity; 20180827) to Olympia oyster genome v081. In preparation for making bedgraphs of transcriptome. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILES: - 20180919_Olurida_v081.bam: Converted SAM file to BAM file. - 20180919_Olurida_v081.sam: Default SAM file output by bowtie2. - 20180919_Olurida_v081.sorted.bam: Sorted BAM file. - 20180919_Olurida_v081.sorted.bam.bai: Sorted BAM file indexed for use in IGV. - 20180919_oly_transcriptome_bowtie2.sh: Mox batch script file for running commands for bowtie2 and samtools. - slurm-313230.out: The Mox standard output file. - system_path.log: A text file attempting to document various program versions being used by Mox.