
Day 1. Invert anatomy - Dissected an oyster (most likely Crassostrea gigas)
Points of interest:


Day 2.
Part 1. General histology

Histology - Things to work on

Part 2. Littorina sitkana and L. scutulata trematodes

Day 3
Part 1. Armina diagnostics

Part 2. DNA extraction and PCR

PCR (I mixed the master mix, and am hoping I did a good job!)

Per 25ul reaction:
12.5 Prometra GoTaq green master mix (contains MgCl, dNTP’s, Taq, green dye)
1.5 BSA
7 H20

Day 4

Part 1. Armina plates

Part 2. Labyrinthula from Picnic bay (eel grass and crabs)

Part 3. RNA extraction - trematode-infected and uninfected L. scutulata and L. sitkana

Day 5
Part 1.
Reverse transcription PCR - to turn unstable RNA back to stable cDNA
General notes/general protocol (see Wiki for deets):
  1. Using oligo DT primer (lots of T's) - will lay down on the poly-A tail of expressed genes
  2. Heat blocks to 75c, 37c, 95c
  3. Put 17.5ul of RNA into clean RNA-ase free-tube (don't vortex, just tap to mix and put in centrifuge for a few sec)
  4. heat to 75 for 5 min , put on ice for 5 min, add 7.25ul of master mix (mixed by Emma),
  5. sit at 42 for 1hr, kill reaction by heating to 95degrees for 3 min
  6. store new cDNA on ice!

MasterMix (made by Emma)
  • 1 ul Oligo dT Primer
<-- this binds to the poly-A tails of the mRNA, helps us just select expressed genes. If we were doing bacteria (no poly-A tails), could just put in non-selective hexanes(?) that would prime everything, not just expressed stuff

Part 2. qPCR
Target genes:
1. actin (reference/housekeeping gene that isn't usually differentially expressed between individuals or under diff circumstances
2. C-jun Kinase gene (an alternative might be p38 MAP kinase) (both are imp in NFKappaBeta signaling pathway, which is generally involved in the immune response, but in other stuff too)

Per reaction:

Day 6
Notes on qPCR data processing/interpretation/ways to improve:

Data analysis - free program - Miner

For gene expression analysis

Part 2. Setting up some new reactions to look for differences in constitutive expression of immune genes (which ones?) in L. scutulata (brooder) from high and low trematode prevalence sites

L. scutulata groups (can use class extracted RNA for High prev adult snails)
High prev. Adults
Low prev. Adults
High prev. Juveniles
Low prev. Juveniles

1. Collect ~10 each of large and small L. scutulata (maybe increase numbers in case some of these turn out to be L. plena) from Reuben Tarte Park (Drew's low prev site), and ~10 of each size class from Cattle Point (might only need to extract from the juveniles, but should get adults too in case existing extractions are problematic
2. RNA extractions - protocol on class Wiki
3. set up PCR on extracted RNA (incl. class samples) using universal primers, to detect genomic DNA - be sure to include one of the positive DNA extractions from class as a positive control
4. if gel is free of bands in the RNA wells, move on to reverse transcription!
5. qPCR


4. if gel is clear,

Monday 7/26
Part 1.
In Situ Hybridization: this procedure lets us visualize places in a piece of tissue that are expressing a gene of interest using a probe (RNA or DNA - DNA in our case I think) specific to a sequence of target DNA, which is then tagged with antigens that will react w/ a particular dye to label target DNA in tissue samples

We are looking for 3 different types of Rickettsia cells involved in abalone Withering Syndrome

Overview of procedure (detailed procedure here) and misc notes:


Part 1. In Situ Hybridization Day 2

Detection steps cont'd (see protocol)

Slides had some color in the morning, but when we counterstained we didn't have anything...

Part 2. Littorina sitkana dissections
After recording spire height and body whorl width, large snails from Reuben Tarte park were dissected in sterilized petri dishes w/ a sterile hammer (yep, a sterile hammer) - we removed the head (tentacles/brain/as much radula as possible) and operculum. Gonad was examined for trematode infection, and 3 pieces of tissue were stored as follows: small piece of foot muscle preserved in 100% EtOH (a); most of body (minus dig. gland/gonad) preserved in RNAlater solution(b); gonad/digestive gland preserved in EtOH (c).

Spire ht/whorl width(mm)

disintegrated gonad


disintegrated gonad




Part 1. Protein extraction

Copied from lab Wiki, and including some annotations:
1. Add 0.5mL of CelLytic MT solution to a 1.5mL snap cap tube.
2. Using a clean razor blade, cut a piece of frozen tissue weighing 25mg and add to tube containing CellLytic MT solution.*
*to save time, this step has been performed for you.
3. Homogenize the tissue with a disposable pestle.
4. Close the tube and invert the tube several times.
5. Spin the tube in a refrigerated (the whole centrifuge is put into the 4c fridge for this part) microfuge for 10mins. @ max speed.
6. While spinning, label a fresh tube with the word "Protein", source organism/tissue, your initials, and today's date.
7. Carefully transfer supernatant to labeled tube and store tube on ice. (tubes of spun supernatant are in a rack in the fridge so that we can return to them after lunch w/out having to freeze-thaw (freeze-thaw is especially bad for proteins apparently) We also saved the tissue pellet for potential DNA stuff later)
Quantification: (We don't have the Bradford assay reagent as of 7/28 so we're skipping quantification and just running the SDS-PAGE - I'm guessing we'll have enough of the extracted protein left to run the assays for quantification later…)

Part 2. Running protein extracts on SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel - per procedure on lab wiki
We loaded 3 different volumes of our extract to figure out whether we all had successfully extracted, and whether any needed to be diluted or concentrated to make the concentrations more even for the next step (Western blotting)

(incomplete entry - need to come back and finish!!! plus catch up on the past couple of days!!)


Part 1. Larval care:

Part 2. Littorine project - see group page here.


Part 1. Oyster larvae - innoculation w/ Vt and plate counts - need to get some additional notes on this stuff

Part 2. Serum agglutination assay

Used an antibody specific to Vt (made in a pet chicken!)

Part 3. Littorine project - see group page here.


Part 1. Oyster larvae - most larvae were dead in high Vt treatment, and most were alive in control treatment (prelim results)!

Part 2. Azocasein Protease Assay

Part 3. Littorine project - see group page here.