... ... ...

Active Notebooks

Steven Roberts
into IPython

Sam White
keeping it real

Claire Olson
larval methylation

Jake Heare
* notebook
* feed

Jay Dimond
* notebook
* feed

Katie Jackson
* notebook
* feed

Grace Crandall
* notebook
* feed

Jonathan Allen
* notebook
* feed

Alumni Notebooks

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If I want to add pic here............

external image 2013-08-21%2010.58.42.jpg


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  7. fish441_11
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  10. lab
  11. mexican
  12. needs attention
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  32. stress and immune response gene profiles of prespawning coho salmon exposed to pesticide chemical cocktails
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  38. zebra mussels
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  1. 2010-2011 Notebook
  2. 441_Lab 1_2013
  3. 441_Lab2_2014
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  5. 441_Lab3_2014
  6. 441_Lab4
  7. 441_Lab4_2014
  8. 441_Lab4_2014_pro
  9. 441_Lab4_F10
  10. 441_Lab5


This wiki serves as the platform for the lab section of the course Environmental Physiology.

Tuesdays: 1:30-4:20 FTR 113

During the first half of the quarter students will be exposed to various molecular techniques commonly used to study the response of an organism to changing environments. Some of these techniques may include tissue sampling, protein analysis, DNA methylation, and gene expression. During the second half of the quarter students will carryout independent projects that they will present in symposium format at the end of the quarter.

Lab Materials

Please print the linked lab materials before each lab.

Lab Notebooks

Lab Expectations

A notebook entry that includes the following components will be required for each lab and is DUE by 8 PM the Sunday after lab. A record of your lab work will be a very important reference as you embark on independent projects.

What should you include in your lab notebook?

Your lab notebook is a record of the procedures you perform and the results you obtain in lab. It should be detailed enough to allow you, or someone else, to repeat the experiment at a later time. Feel free to take a look at the lab notebooks of other students in the navigation box on the left. Let the TA know if you have any questions before lab notebooks are due. Minimally, your notebook entries should include:

LAB NOTEBOOK ENTRIES ARE DUE WITHIN 5 DAYS (SUNDAY BY 8 PM) OF PERFORMING THE PROCEDURE. Lab Notebook entries are worth 27% of your total grade (9 entries - 3% each). There will be a 10% deduction for each day late.

Molecular Biology and Molecular Techniques Resources (video click below)


This video is a great reference for everything you could possibly want to know about micropipettes and pipetting. Enjoy!


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external image DSCF1115_Manel1005.jpg


  1. Alex Pak's Lab Notebook
  2. Amanda's Notebook
  3. Becker Lab Notebook
  4. Brianna's Notebook
  5. Chao's Notebook
  6. Christina's Notebook
  7. Christopher's notebook
  8. Dave's Notebook
  9. David B's Notebook
  10. Elizabeth's Notebook
  11. Ellen's Notebook
  12. Emma's Lab Notebook Winter 2011
  13. Emma's Notebook
  14. Erica's Notebook
  15. Fabrizio Captone
  16. Jay's Notebook
  17. Jonathan's Notebook
  18. Josh's Notebook
  19. Karissa's Notebook
  20. Lauren's Notebook

Changing up the box

The following was originally published January 21, 2010 at http://genefish.tumblr.com/post/346366794
external image tumblr_kwm5lcApgK1qz5ro3o1_500.jpg

cookies move faster than fruit

Go ahead and play around.


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genefish » Sam's Notebook
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genefish » Sam's Notebook
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  1. ^ Footnote